

My Saturday List of Things To Do ..OR.. One Day in the Life of Ernestan Bostinovich

My List of Things To Do Today
September 13th

These are not necessarily in exact order performed
Were created as the day went by
No order of importance

  • Get breakfast for The Wife at McDonalds

  • Come back to McDonalds to shoot the goofy looking Spanish version of the Big Mac slogan "Two all beef patties ...."

  • Bank Deposit

  • Groc store shop

  • After talking to friend D@n@ from French TX, begin writing a short story about her rent house disaster where the landlord was supposed to move out to live with his mother and take care of her, but continues to sleep on the couch of her rent house and she winds up getting stuck fixing the place up and now that it looks better, the landlord wants to raise the rent. Yes, thats right, the landlord is still living in the rent house, sleeping on the couch and now wants more money.

  • Get and mail BD card for friend Brandi H. Found a card where the doctor pulls a rabbit out of a guys knee and says "Are you sure you want to fix a trick knee that is this good?" Found another cool penguin card for my other friend in south Texas.

  • Get Lotto ticket

  • Avoid getting wetter

  • Fix north screen door at the 102 house

  • Strategically position toothpaste to bring it to work on Sunday afternoon

  • Get bread later today as they are out at the groc store of our favorite

  • Bring lab jacket home to wash tomorrow

  • Ask niece if you can publish your picture of her daughter as she swings the plastic bat at the pinata but misses and you have captured the moment just milliseconds away from the bat hitting the little brother (its his 2nd BD party) in the face and the mother is bending down to try to get him out of the way. Yes, he did cry. Some. I titled the photograph, "My Brother, The Pinata"

  • Write a blog story about your wife hiring a kid to pass out fliers for her new business. It is a story about how she creates her own form of advertising after thinking that the newspaper is a waste of money, a story of bettering, lettering, loitering, & littering, using a little boy to annoy the masses as he passes out papers and sticks them on windshields.

  • Set up an experiment to try to extract the purple dye out of your onions and see if goes preferentially into the water or organic phase. (Experiment is finished Nov 27th, 2008- Answer: Bottom - Water)

The purple color may be this particular chemical called a 'flavonoid' - with all the -OH hydroxyl groups, you can see why it would tend to be a water soluble compound.

  • Setup a Visa payment for Monday

  • Take your medications and vitamins

  • Do the dishes - scratch that - do more dishes than you make dirty

  • Start a blog about misinterpretations. "Honk my horn at you? Why no, officer, my car horn just happened go off while you were driving in a stupid manner. As far as I know the sound waves radiated in all directions, up and away for the entire universe to enjoy."

  • Shoot photo of the Christmas tree in this guys front yard over on Wilson street where he never takes the ladder down all year long and add it to the group of photos of goofy things you have found in Borger. (This turned out really cool - you can see the stars in the sky. I could actually pick out the Pleiades from a section of the photo that was cropped - otherwise you would have had to look at the left side mirror of my car. 30 second exposure at f4.5)

  • Perform a gastronomical experiment with two tomatoes. First, a store bought supposedly vine ripened tomato and the second from your wife's aunt's garden in French TX. Cut each tomato into equal pieces (4) and eat them in an alternating manner to extend/fool your mouth into thinking it is getting two garden fresh tomatoes. (Experiment was a success)

  • Try to come up with another song for the musical you are writing called "Wahoo! Nebraska" which is the story of a man who fails to write a musical about Wahoo, NE, a place he has never been before and doesn't even know where it is on the map, and instead the musical is about how wonderful his life and wife are, and of course, there is the dog Cooper, the central character. So far the songs in rough draft are "Wahoo! Nebraska", and "Chicken and Cheese, Please". I think there is already a third song that I have forgot about; have to go look through my notes later.

  • Create a new blog as a Tourism Guide to the hot spots of Borger TX that includes the goofy pictures you have collected so far. Later create a map to guide the pilgrimage masses to the exact location where the photos were taken. Try to get longitude and latitude coordinates from a GPS device or Google Earth at a later time.
  • Wanna Be My New Best Friend?

    Organic Chemistry
    by Robert Thornton Morrison and Robert Neilson Boyd,
    6th Edition, HARDCOVER

    If you want to be my new best friend you will send me a brand new copy of this book. Its only around $200, the HARDCOVER edition, NOT the cheap orange colored paper back version printed in black and white on thin paper in a country that rhymes with "Bindia" that somebody in Erie, PA fraudulently sold me on ebaY. Otherwise I'll just have to type the whole thing back into my computer.
    All 1278 pages.
    Draw all the pictures.
    The back cover.
    The front cover.
    Lets not forget the preface, all 4 pages.
    But I won't type in the index, that would just be silly and a waste of time.

    • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (January 17, 1992)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0136400612
    • ISBN-13: 978-0136436690


    Bush v Gustav (v Holland?)

    (This story is older - (Sept 1st, 2008 - when the storm Gustav was approaching land )- than its 2nd publication at blogger )

    Headline this morning:

    "Bush heads to Texas as Gustav menaces"

    I am thinking, with a headline like that, there's gotta be something funny in there somewhere. Maybe something about

    "CDMA - Cold Dry Mass of Airhead - runs into a gust of a massive hot moist storm, as men ask, 'Where's FEMA?'"

    My question, as always, 'why do people want to live below sea level?' Oh, The Dutch, blame them instead of FEMA, they can be such a bad influence. After all they roamed the oceans for centuries making colonies, enslaving people, stealing the resources of the indigenous natives; I don't think FEMA has been that bad just yet, well maybe. There was that whole trailer house thing. And FEMA did let the people back into N.O. With initials for a place like New Orleans being "NO", that should have been a subtle hint,

    "Should we continue to live here like our Dutch friends do, with a menace of waiting warm water just miles away, The Sparkling Ocean Blue, held back by dirt and rocks and a little concrete for glue? Why, NO" Here's something else: I just checked wikipedia, and it was the French, then the Spanish, then the French again, who had New Orleans before us. So at least the Dutch were smart enough to never try to own the place. "No", the Dutch probably told the French emperor Napoleon when he put the place up for sale in 1803, "sell it to the United States, they're young and don't know anything about underwater real estate"

    The Dutch As An Influence

    by esbb

    'Lets live here where the ocean wants to be, lets build a dike or two,

    Reclaim this land for man (and money) and see what we can do.


    It starts to leak, just pile up some more bags of rock and dirt,

    But …

    Remember if you live here, water can kill, destroy and hurt.'

    Martha S. and I Share Things

    Martha S. and I have several things in common, several things not so much in common.

    Martha S. and I share a common name which we each obtained from other people long after we were born. I got my "S" name from my mother's family at age 47, while she got the same name from an ex-husband she married at age 19. I believe she had a Polish last name before that.

    I think she has around 2 billion dollars. I think I have less than that.

    I live in Texas while I believe she lives in Connect-I-Cut.

    For a couple of weeks in my life approximately, 28 percent of it ago (1994 and 1995), I went to school in the same town, Milford, where she would go to the gym. Only I found out about this gym-town connection a long time after I briefly attended the Connect-I-Cut school, so I wasn't able to stalk her while I was there.

    I was a Martha TV Show fan for a while a very long time ago, the main reason: to be able annoy my wife as I would pretend to be deeply in love with Martha S even though she was older, quite distant and talked funny (Connect-I-Cut Connection?). "Whatever", was my wife's response.

    A wikipedia article mentions that she intended to study chemistry in college but did not, while I obtained a B.S. in Chemistry.

    Martha and I do share a love of being able to use a tool for something other than its original intended purpose.

    Today I sent this note to my friend by text message:

    "In an emergency, a steak knife can be used as a thumbtack. A very large effective, some might even say overkill, thumbtack.

    Big job?

    No problem.

    Big thumb,

    Big tack,

    Steak knife to the rescue!"

    (Notice that I put in the carriage returns to space the lines to make the text message more visually appealing, a very good thing)

    She responded simply "What" with no question mark.

    My answer back:

    "I needed to leave a message near the backdoor to not let the dog outside because the lawn guy came by and would not be able to lock every gate from the outside when he left and then if I fell asleep and (my wife's name goes here) came home she might accidentally let Cooper outside w/o realizing the current gate situation. There is a piece of cardboard near the backdoor that serves as the thumbtack receptacle"

    My other friend responded:

    "Cool! I will add 1 to my duct tape, gorilla glue & zip tie collection!"

    The third person I sent the text message to has not yet responded.

    I would like to think that Martha would be proud of my improvisational thumbtack as a 'very good thing'.

    How To Save Money on Your Grocery Store Bill

    Eat Less.

    Comment From Niece M:

    haha good advice..but i like to eat..i love food! especially if it has now how do i save on groceries haha

    Comment From Uncle E:

    Okay, more Uncle-y add-vice:
    You walk into a restaurant and ask them, say, I was just needing to know what time it was .. OH LOOK! Free sugar on the table, WA-HOO! Jumpin' pole cats in the winter time this is better than huntin' coons in the bayou with my best dog Pete. Well, thats not true, I actu-ally shot Pete one day, mis-took him for a coon, I gotta start feedin my dogs A-lot better than that, and anyways, now this is his son Re-Pete. Anyhows, (lowering my voice) lets sneak outside and I'll show you how many packets of sugar I got off with, dang, I'a-didn't mean ta get that there ketchup, hate ketchup, don't mind catsup, but hate ketchup. Looky, there, got off with 18 packs of sugga'
    Say, isn't that a Tag-go Bell over there?

    Comment From Niece M:

    haha that is funny! thanks for thats what it was help! :)

    Comment From Uncle E:
    What I think is really cool is that the title of this blog is 4.5 times longer than the content of the blog, 9 words to 2. I am sure that is a rarity for blogs to have a word ratio like that. I just thought of a another version of this blog:
    Title: "How To Save Money on Your Grocery Store, Bill"

    Content: "Bill, build a smaller cheaper store, say, one out of Legos maybe. And then only stock it with non-perishable items such as canned food and paper towels. Tiny paper towels. Tiny cans. And don't hire any off-duty cops to patrol it for shop lifters."