

If I Had A Good Title It Would Be Right Here

Last night's dream: A rather large, but Dr Seuss looking, cactus was growing on top of my commercial building downtown. I should clarify that the cactus looked like something Dr Seuss would have drawn, not the good doctor himself. It was a difficult repair job. I even get tired in my dreams.


I thought I heard my iPhone ringing in a distant room aNd actuaLLy got off my couch and walked two steps before I realized that it was the non-ringing device in my hands that I was playing HyperSudoku. There should be a name for this .... ... .. . besides eXhaustion from a 1,000 miles of driving.


You must try HyperSudoku if you like Sudoku. It has 4 more defined 3x3 grids within the normal 9 grid gameplay.


I should not have to wait until after someone passes away to find out they have a college degree in chemistry. If you are a chemist like me please let me know.


(Sept 1st)
A day of many strange dreams. Dream number 2 involved aLL non-Indians mysteriously disappearing from South Dakota. Then everything of modern origin disappeared, eXcept highways. If non-Indians tried to enter they disappeared immediately after crossing the border. North Dakota wasn't affected. Perhaps it was the buffalo burger from Fuddrucker's that caused my dream....

I was so distraught when I woke up, thinking, "I can't ever go back to South Dakota!!!!"

Dream number 1 was a long conversation with my maternal grandfather, a South Dakotan. He has been gone a long time. He was the grandfather that I was close to from infancy.


(While on the road to Ft Worth)

I sneezed just now in a fairly crowded convenience store. About 20 people were simultaneously trying to be louder than their neighbor in saying "Bless You!!!" to me not quite in unison, and when they realized it they started laughing. I sneeze, people laugh.


My favorite lawyer wrote to me: Couldn't help but think of you at 5:30 am. Went out to my car and there were two praying mantises on it.

I responded: I put them there at 5:15


Today's Dumb Joke - A Triple!

Q: What do cannibals use when they want to cook a boxer?

A: A George Foreman Grill

Q: What do cannibals use when they are really hungry?

A: A George Four Man Grill

Q: What do cannibals use for pit barbecue?

A: A Gorge Four Man Grill