

We Should Rename It Tennes-Three

After I got home from the groc store late at night about 11 PM I sat down on the couch after putting everything away. Then Cooper complained to me, and I suddenly remembered that I had forgot to get his dog biscuits at the store, after I had told him early in the day I would get him some. Luckily there was a box of tiny dog biscuits for Trixie still at our house, so I gave him three of those.


I have 36 windows open in my Safari web browser. Perhaps I should close a few.


I learned something new. The state of Tennessee is legally split into three sections: East, Middle and West. They are called Grand Divisions. They are represented by the three stars in the state flag.

When I checked the state quarter for Tennessee they emphasized the distinct music styles of the Grand Divisions and put three musical instruments and three stars. BUT I noticed that the star in the middle position is significantly smaller than the other two.
(I'm sorry, the blogger iPad app didn't pull in this photo of the Tennesse quarter so I will have to do it layer when I get to the office on my PC)

It may be difficult to see the difference in this photo on Facebook, but I used a caliper type device to detect the difference in the original photo.

I put a Tennessee quarter in my flat bed scanner and then used CorelDRAW to measure the longest dimension of the two stars in question. The smaller star is approximately 89% (+/- 1%) as wide as the larger star.

I think they should rename the state Tennes-three.


Today's Math Lesson: There are 364 holes in my laundry hamper, almost one for each day of the year. So I can look at my empty hamper and imagine a hole-y year. If you include the mouth of the hamper that would be 365.

My friend from Delaware asked me if I counted them all. I told her it was easy because there were 4 sections of 9x10 then the 4 holes for handles.


RIACH-Herd has a new look: Sunglasses
(RIACH: Reindeer In A Cup Holder)

He has a secret stash of BBQ sauce packets in his bag just for me.

It is hard to see from the camera angle, but he has a beautiful smile.


Spring Brings Fling

In 'Lost & Found' on Facebook someone presented a photograph of a pair of shoes, that had been tied together, and then thrown up into a tree. So I wrote this poem about them.

Spring Brings Fling

Spring will bring out a juvenile thought
To fling a thing like two shoes aloft,
Something normally found upon the ground
Is now in branches bound and uneasily downed.
But now the birds can groom it best
As a robin builds a fancy two room nest.
She just must remember not to untie the knot
Or her young could fall and die for naught.


After A While A Crocodile Will Smile

After A While A Crocodile Will Smile

A croc's skill is to kill
A croc's thrill is to fill
A croc's tummy
With soMEthing yummy.
Oh no, he has his sights on ME!
It is my skill to avoid and flee
And leave a void in his digestive tract
For if I fail to flee it will be my final act.

I thought that a Kiswahili version would be useful

Ujuzi mamba ni kuua
msisimko mamba ni kujaza
mamba ya tumbo 
Na kitu ladha. 
Msaada! Ana me ajili vile lengo!
Ni ujuzi wangu ili kuepuka na kukimbia
Na kuondoka utupu katika matumbo yake
Kwa maana kama mimi kushindwa kukimbia itakuwa kitendo yangu ya mwisho.