

Taiwan Won One Tie

I can't imagine the United States government getting upset if China's leader called the governor of the state of California, so communist China shouldn't be so upset if Trump, who isn't even a real president yet, has a phone call to the 'wrong' China by talking to the leader of Taiwan. There is a strong possibility that Trump didn't know which China he was talking to on the phone, and there is an even higher probability that he didn't care if he was talking to the 'wr0Ng' China.


Here is my veRy first Dutch language joke:

The Dutch word for 'tail' is 'staart'. But the tail on my dog is at the end, so I would have chose the spelling 'eend'.


I saw a news article where someone tried to blame part of Cuba's economic problems on the US embargo, but then I thought, didn't Cuba have the entire rest of the planet to try to conduct foreign trade?

So Donald Trump and Al Gore have a meeting to find common ground. 

They both have 'al' in their first name and 'r' in the last. Oh, and one of them 'used' to be a Democrat.


We Are Not Mice

I sUddenLY discovered that the kind folks who invented the lid for my disposable coffee cup added a recessed region for my nose to make it easier to drink my morning resurrection concoction. Get the noser closer to the action. 

Actually I am sitting outside with my sick dog hoping we get to go inside soon. Its not too bad, I am actually wearing pants instead of the usual cargo shorts, and have this large towel over my head, tenting it. If I leave the sick dog outside by himself he starts getting barky-barky. The non-sick dog is curled up under my bench, wanting attention from my feet in the form of massage. Very little of me is actually cold. 

I am probably the only person outside at 6 AM studying Dutch in my tiny town of 13k in the dark. The people who made this particular group of lessons added several silly parts. I am using an app called duoLingo which I absolutely love. I used it for French (YES!!! I actually enjoyed studying French for the first time in my entire life.) As my younger son says from time to time, "Oh, the Dutch". 

Strange Dutch Examples: 
  • The birds read the newspaper. 
  • We are not mice. 
  • The boy is wearing a dress.
  • You are sour, just like a lemon. 
  •  and my favorite: Excuse me, I am an apple


YEA!!! My friend is coming home from prison veRy veRy soon!!! I am going to cook her a buncha stuff and I have been saving beer from every batch for her. I plan to spoil her even more than I did before her incarceration.


NEW BEER: I am going to try brewing a new type of beer from Northern Brewer Homebrew Supplies called Northy 12 Belgian Quad.


So the panda bear at the National Zoo had to have surgery to remove a half-eaten piece of bamboo. Here is my headline:

Bei Bei Has Bamboo Boo-Boo