
E Ern Ernie Ernest esby Barometer

This page is for telling you eXactly how I feel at the moment. I plan to update it on a highly sporadic basis. That means everytime my base is attacked by spores! In case you are wondering, esby is my new name given to me by a friend, its the first three out of four of my initials then add a y. I am not sure how it is pronounced by my friend half way around the world. Perhaps we can meet some day so she can tell me.

2019.04.14 - Just finished baking Sopapilla Cheesecake for the first, cooling down as I type. I have been having fun studying calculus and differential equations. YouTube is a wonderful place to learn mathematics.

2013.06.21 - Yea!!! Summer is beginning! My older son said he was becoming more like me. He has books all over his house and he is getting his first piano veRy soon. My younger son is studying calculus and seems to be enjoying it. Yea!!!

2013.04.19 - I am trying veRy hard to avoid aLL forms of news broadcasts, eXcept The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It is so irritating to turn on the teleBision and see the same six major stories consuming 85 percent of the attention.

2012.12.15 - Some of the most wonderful people I ever meet are Kindergarteners and 1st Graders.

2012.06.27 - Don't teLL anyone, but I'm the real Spiderman.

2012.06.19 - I realized today that fundamentaLLy, in order for a computer and/or computer company to think outside the box (using their computer), it would merely require them to mount the microprocessor outside the hardware case.

2012.03.02 - I must be getting better from my bout with the flu-junk-cold, I just set my all time best score in Sudoku at 8 minutes and 7 seconds playing at the "Evil" level.

2012.02.12 - I am in mourning. No one has ever had a voice like yours, good-bye Whitney.

2012.01.16 05:11 - Can't sleep. Legs sore, probably from walking at the park, maybe too fast. Funny thing: Cooper is laying on the floor having puppy dreams, making short little barks, kinda quietly. I just never know when he is going to make me smile. He is so loveable and huggable, such a wonderful companion.

2012.01.14 23:26 - Currently listening to Jason Mraz sing "I'm Yours" and remembering a sweet mix of happy and sad things, life and death, parents and children.

2012.01.08 20:25 - A great evening chatting with my girl "H" !!! I have missed her so much.

2012.01.07 17:00 - Extreme Sadness: I just realized that I left half a pizza somewhere two days ago.


2012.01.04 15:50 - This year is going by so fast! In 10 minutes one percent of it will be gone!

2012.01.02 00:31 - HAH! I just learned that South Dakota is NINE percent larger than North Dakota! (Area) That makes my day!

[South Dakota humor - Another eXample to show you how easily I am amused]

2011.12.25 - I think I am a very happy person. I know my inner joy. The main unhappiness in my life are idiots who think I am unhappy and bother me by telling me that I am unhappy.
Merry Christmas,
Happy Hannukah,
Happy New Year,
Feliz Navidade,
Xin nian yu kuai,
Heri za Mwaka Mpya,
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu,
and с Новым годом and
سنة جديدة سعيدة


2011.12.19 NOON - Ah! Baby Number Two with his wife and puppy made it back to Borger last night, beating the terrible storm that is coming this 'sway. I cooked a giant breakfast for him, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Cooper had a blast playing with him and snuggling with him. Now he is laying by the front door waiting patiently for my son to return from his mother-in-law's house, and I'm sure Cooper eagerly awaits "Momma" - my code word for my daughter in law, the one who gave Cooper to my son six and a half years ago.

2011.12.18 15:15 - I must get ready to go groc shopping. Do you know how many times I have been this week? Do you know how much I love to go groc shopping? Do you know how much my wife absolutely HATES groc shopping? Well, -she- -is- -actually- -going- -with- -me-,,,, I know, kinda scary, huh?

2011.12.17 08:44 - Ah, a wonderful morning. Last night was a huge feast of chicken fajitas at On The Border. Try their variety, "Monterrey Ranch", it comes with bacon and melted cheese on top. I get a side of Ranch Dressing to go with them. Mmmmm. It was one of those gigantic eat-once-in-24-hours meals. So I am coasting blissfully, had a few crackers with my coffee. Checking weather ... It looks like 2 PM will be perfect walking weather, right at 50 F and wind below 10 mph.

2011.12.15 18:50 - In trouble. The wife does not the amount of garlic odor in the house from cooking with real garlic instead of garlic powder.

2011.12.14 17:34 - Tired. Soon I will be hungry. Again.

2011.12.10 04:27 - Hah! I'm not the kinda guy who'll run outta Tabasco Sauce at 3:48 A.M., I've gotta spare brand new bottle! This man must have his meat: Chicken and Dumplings and Chicken - I am perilously running dangerously low on Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce though. Gotta have my nano nutrient RDA quantity of anchovies.

2011.12.08 16:44 - Busy doing housework, stopped for just a minute to tell you that. Reading a few new people today, hoo-ray! It warmed up a little outside today, I still stayed inside for 99.94% of it. The 0.06% is the mere act of opening the back door for Cooper to go in and out.

2011.12.06 15:36 - Busy being an artist by making my blog "prettier" and probably bothering people without knowing for sure which ones they are or them knowing the source of their angst, all without trying very hard on my part. Also, earlier stood at the backdoor, all glass, and soaked up some rays on a bright bitter cold day. The glass was cold at first but I stood there long enough that I warmed it up, eyes closed, the sun beating down on me.

2011.12.05 02:59 - Me tired boy. Me wanna go to sleepy bye. Bwain, bad bad bwain, totally uncooperative. No el worko at shutting down. In silliness mood but tired-tired. Just to be different I put the time for this update in Eastern instead of Central Time Zone. Somebody come to my house and hit my head with a brick to knock me out, please. To avoid the Texas Department of Corrections Death Row, please make sure to it is a light cerebral tap just to get me zzzz'ing, not flat-lining. You know how much our Gov'ner loves to kill peoples.

2011.12.04 03:15 - Absolutely wonderful! I wish I was asleep, but I have just been reading a bunch. Cooper is snoring weirdly tonight. I thought we were s'pposed to get snow, but its just cold, right around freezing.

2011.12.01 15:05 - Headache. Cold outside. Warm inside. I have my feet on my puppy, massaging his back. Everyone is quiet. Glad to be home from a long journey that was totally eXhausting. I did all the driving. Hopefully the puppy was well taken care for while we were gone. I must venture out soon for groc shopping, but I hear wind, cold wind.

2011.11.29 14:20 - Trying to determine if I am hungry enough to eat a huge meal of crawfish & shrimp etouffee. Decisions, decisions. My head cold is making me feel lousy but I now have couph drops and Dr Pepper. I may go for a walk before the huge meal.

2011.11.26 18:47 - Trying to stay warm. Extremely harsh cold winds today. Need groceries!

2011.11.25 09:55 - Mildly irritated: Busy rushing around to get my used oil to the city disposal site, but then they were closed for the holiday, waste of a half hour and now I have to store it in my garage, and then reload it to deliver next week. Used diesel oil: definitely a Black Friday event.

2011.11.25 00:45 - Defeating Sudoku one square at a time, ... no, wait, that isn't completely true. Sometimes I am partially defeating multiple squares at the same time.

2011.11.24 14:25 - Survived the meal process, fixing to get my hair cut while chatting with my son and daughter-in-law. Free Hair Cuts!!!! Well, not really free, there are utility bills and taxes and ...

2011.11.24 09:42 - One half of my children will soon be here. Then off to a late half breakfast. Spending half the day away from home like yesterday. At T-Day I plan on getting one and a half full. Pie, bring on the pumpkin pie.