Absent For A Bit ....

I am away for a little while working on a few or more episodes for The Adventures of My Space Alien Alter Ego story ... will return (to Earth) soon!

Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.



And Then Something Else Happened

I was listening to Pandora, which gives you randomized selections of entertainment. They also give you a button to skip things you don't like AND things they have already played. BUT it turns out they have a daily limit on the number of times you can skip. SO ... I turned Pandora OFF ... hmm, I wonder if they saw that coming?


I heard the Aflac duck is hospitalized and suffering from mysterious injuries. I think their main suspect should be Gilbert Gottfried.


The local sports coverage was on just now but I wasn't listening too closely. But I did notice something odd in the annoucer's voice as he was narrating the action of the game highlights. Suddenly he said, "Oh, sorry, wrong tape." I think he suddenly noticed the words on his teleprompter didn't match the video being presented.


I am having trouble finding the right frequency to shave. Every ten minutes seems too often, and every ten days seems a bit too gorilla.


It is now 4:30 AM. You may think I am up early but I am actuaLLy down late.


I originaLLy titled this blog post "And Then Something Happened". But that was the second to the last thing that happened, the naming of the blogpost. The last thing was adding the word Else. But now I realized that isn't true, because the last thing I am actuaLLy doing is writing about the titling process. What would be truly horrible is if in the future I accidentaLLy add something near the beginning of this blog post while forgetting that this declared final part being right here, totaLLy destroying my integrity. I think I need a sandwich.


Pearl said...

Well if you're getting a sandwich, you might as well get me one!!


Love your little tidbits here.


esbboston said...

Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Miracle Whip?

The younger son and I finaLLy got to have pho together today - plus he taught me how to use chop sticks. My normal Vietnamese restaurant is closed once a week every Wednesday, so I didn't get quail eggs in my pho today. But it stiLL tasted great, son approved.

Badger said...

I think you need sandwich, a shave and a sleep.

esbboston said...

I believe I have recovered, but I am not sure what The Cover was of which a Re was applied. I am glad for your detailed instructions, as I almost accidentaLLy went with sandwich, a slave and a sheep, and I have absolutely no eXperience cooking mutton.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Hello Mr ESB my frequency of timing has gone wrong, but right now it is right. I am looking forward to making a snowman . . . . .

esbboston said...

I am looking forward to seeing your snowman. What would be cool is if you built a snowman that was looking to his side. Then you could say, "I am looking forward to building a snowman that isn't looking forward but someone in the past has told me they were looking forward to seeing my sideways looking snowman."

New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit

Click HERE for the Art of Ernest S B Boston

These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !

Something New:

I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.

First poem in the series of linked poems ....

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Blog Archive

My Art

These are some of my abstract art pieces. They are available as prints, send me a note if you are interested.

Couch Glow

Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke

Gold As Smoke

Flowing Wood

Flowing Wood