Online chat between Ernest and His Niece M
Niece M - is excited there is only 4 days until Christmas :)!!!
Uncle E - Isn't it closer to 3.5 days?
Niece M - I know!! But if I did it that way I would have to change it like every hour and I just dont think I am willing to do that :) So I will stick to the rounded number! :)
Uncle E - I agree you should stick with "rounded numbers" anD my answer is mUCh more 'round', just look: 4 versus 3.5 - see how straight the '4' looks? How many round parts ->ZERO!!! Now look at my numero: 3.5 - its got all kindza roundies, two on the 3, the "." is completely round and the "five" - has one, so that is 2+1+1 equals "four" - notice how I spelled out MY four so that it would be rounded, it has 4 roundie parts. And to think I have a minor in math. My surely dead-by-now-cause-he-was-ancient-back-then first college calculus professor is probably rolling over in his grave right now.
Niece M - haha i dont even know what to say to that!!!
Six Miles
5 weeks ago
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