So, you had your purple glasses on while you watched the crippled musical serial killer movie???
Yes, I viewed the invalid violent violinist violate in violet on video on my Vizio tV
Who starred in this movie?
It was a remake of G.I.Jane only with Jane Fonda on a Honda with a Panda suffering from a pandemic sickness as eucalyptus (I can’t believe I spell that word right without looking it up) trees died of a non-diagnosable dendrite disease. That’s what he gets for trying to eat ukaliptuss, (now, how did I suddenly forget how to spell that word?) instead of bamboo.
Hold it, are we talking about the same movie?
Where did the movie take place?
In the south of France
The movie was shot in France?
No, I thought you asked me where the place was that I took the movie, where I stole it from, the answer to that question was ‘In the south of France” at some Bloque du Buster, where I go to steal movies. Its just like that sign on the back of school buses and tanker trucks filled with petroleum products “This Vehicle Stops At All Railroad Crossings” And it makes me ask the question that is on everyone’s mind right about now, do they mean every railroad crossing in North America or the entire world??? Cause that would take a very long time for each and every bus and tanker truck to go around and stop at each and every railroad crossing in just the SUSAN (Southern United States of America North), like from Texas to Florida in order to make the claim that they had stopped at EVERY single railroad crossing in the entire NorthAmerica. There must be at least maybe, I don't know for sure, 400 railroad crossings in NorthAmerica. And would that mean that they had gone BOTH directions at each crossing, hmmmm? I asked my 4th favorite Stewart this question at work the other day and he said that on weekends and holidays and the evenings the school buses would be available to go around and find all the railroad crossings and stop at them. This was the piece of the puzzle that finally brought it to fruition and settled it in my mind once and for all. Thanks, 4TH Fav Stew.
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