My recent dream was a slight modification of the television series House. The characters of House were focused on making difficult automotive repairs. They used medical diagnostic equipment and lingo to repair veRy difficult car problems. It followed the House format of seemingly getting the car fixed only to have it break down again. House then fixed it replacing something minor.
It was veRy vivid when I first woke up but then I rapidly forgot the details.
Exciting News: My first new leaf is growing on my 2nd orchid plant. My jungle by the glass back door works its magic.
My neighbor was working on my car trying to figure out a fuel system problem. But after 17 days I gave up on him and had a tow truck take it to my favorite mechanic's shop. I have been using him for over twenty years. My neighbor used to work in his shop, but they had a parting of ways.
My neighbor was frightened one day by wasps that had recently decided to live in the grill area of the car. Being deathly afraid of them, he grabbed his little boy who had followed him to my house and in the process of running away had dropped the key to the car.
Then it took a few more days of him not working on my car for me to finally give up on him. I had not ound out just yet in the process about the lost key. So he finally told me about it and asked me to let him know how much it would cost to replace the key.
Answer: It was a smart key and so it cost $75.76
I sent him a text message about 12 hours ago and have not heard a reply yet.
So now Trump's strange news of the moment is about having a woman come on stage to pull his hair to show its attached to his head.
So I would call this the race of the "hair versus the torture us" with more nonsense. I think the torture us is winning.
I am glad that the Walter Cronkite of Latin America is boldly forcing Trump answer policy questions and asking other news people to do the same thing.
Trump recently made bold claims about how the black vote was going his way. But of course that is total gibberish according to recent poll work. He would lose against Biden, who isn't even running, by a huge margin.
I think Trump has a god complex. I think he thinks he can simply speak things into existence.
One of my veRy closest friends from the diner was convicted in a jury trial and was sent to prison for three years. I knew absolutely nothing about this event until it was over, and I am completely devastated. Last night was the first time I tried to eat an evening meal at the diner without her, and it was terribly painful. I would go to see her in the temporary holding place, but I think I would just cry the entire 80 miles there and back. So I think I will stick to letters right now. The owner of the diner gave me a free six pack of beer as a grief present a couple days ago. We are all in a state of shock. I need to bake a cake and take to the diner, as is my custom. I hope her permanent (undecided) location in the Texas prison system isn't too far.
Mr ESB that smart key can not be smart or it would not get lost. Unless it has taken advice from Mr Trump. . . . . . I hope you manage to stay in contact with your Friend
Rob: It was smart enough to have the power to allow my car to start, but in itself it had no ability to move or to communicate with me, "Ernest, I am right over here!" Alas it is most likely in the grass and will be destroyed by a lawn mower. Hopefully it will not turn into a high velocity projectile and hurt someone or thing. I plan to write to my friend in prison on a regular basis. I have a long history of doing that.
Rob: I just woke up from a dream where she was out of prison for a few days and she was smiling.
Have you tried a metal detector on the grass for your lost but smart key. Actually I think I may have a lot in common with your key.
Rob: I don't own a metal detector or know anyone who does. But I have a rake, so I should try that. I am just not sure if the lawn people have mowed recently though. My neighbor was negligent in telling immediately about the key loss. As a matter of fact, at first he even asked me if I had it, which I knew for certain that he had been in possession of the key and battery.
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