I am having a hellishly busy week where I have contractor fixing water damage, problems with Best Buy sending a bad incompetent joke of a plumber to do a dishwasher install which he screws up leaving water leaks and a broken brand new appliance AND my wife overloads me with work in our printing business. It wasn't completely her fault, she honestly thought she was taking an order for a certain quantity BUT then the customer later clarified it was for FIVE times the amount.
So I am exhausted yet surprisingly keeping it together.
I wake five mornings ago and tell myself (jokingly) that I need to put Cooper up for adoption because I don't have time to take care of him. [Of course the reality is that he is the thing my daily world revolves around, my source of joy] But then my neXt thought is, "I could kill two birds with one stone by putting my wife up for adoption instead. I wouldn't be eXhausted AND I would have plenty of time for my dog."
So I decide to put it to a vote where the only one voting is the dog.
I am in the kitchen and I turn to him sitting attentively in the livingroom and ask him if we should get rid of Tamie, put her up for adoption. He just looks at me seriously, staring, not blinking. So I rephrase the question slightly but I get the same eXact response which seems to be 'No'.
So I ask him if he would like treats, his dog biscuit and Beggin' Strips. He smiles. A definite Yes.
I go to work and tell this complete tale to my wife who enjoys it immensely. She says, "Do you realize how spoiled rotten that dog is? I made chili last night and cooked ground beef and mixed some in with his dog food aNd he didn't eat it! So then I realized he wanted his usual ingredient, so I spinkled a veRy small amount of beef jerky crumbs on top and he ate it like normal."
Beware that the dog and your wife dont put you up for adoption Mr ESB, although they might wait until you are a bit older and past it, or at least until you sort out the appliance problems. I am not sure I would trust a company called Best Buy it has the ring of a company that would turn up on a TV show about dodgy companies. Maybe you should phone them and say that you have approached the local TV company and they are keen to do a show about dodgy plumbers and would love to film the one who came to you.
Our cats (like most cats) can be fussy about food and I sometimes sprinkle a few ground up fish food pellets on top of their food, and that generally works well. The fish are not fussy and just eat and say nothing.
I thought you must be busy I could feel the vibs across the great ocean. I hope it eases up a bit for you soon. . . . . A man can work tooooo much we must enjoy the world a bit from time to time.
Rob: I was in my office reading your comment and started laughing in the middle of the first sentence. My wife came in and asked what was going on, and I told her what you wrote and she agrees that it would be a good idea to get rid of me. It is now several hours later and I finally had time to successfully get the dishwasher installed by myself, so now IF my wife gets rid of me I now have mad appliance installation skills. Actually, I thought installing this dishwasher was extremely easy and so I now have an even LOWER opinion of that sorry excuse of a fake totally unqualified plumber-jerk. On top of everything else he was a thief taking objects away from the work site that were my possessions. So far Best Buy hasn't refunded my extra charges for installation and delivery, but I am supposedly get one of them dropped according to my son who did the actual transport exchange of the bad leaky new appliance for a new one.
Beef jerkey crumbs, oh my, that is quite the palate. Big Daddy has to caulk something in the bathroom and I am so delighted we don't have to call the plumber. The kitchen sprayer he put in broke twice in couple months. Grrr.
fmcgmccllc: It appears I was successful on aLL fronts. The dishwasher has washed two loads now AND The Wifey is eXtremely happy.
You are a man of many skills Mr ESB . . . . . I knew you would do it with success. We have many dodgy plumbers in Britain so I dont let anyone do plumbing unless I know them or they come highly recommended by friends. Luckily we have a friendly builder who has many skills who has been a friend for about thirty years, I usually flutter my eyelids and look pathetic.
We have a carpenter we rely on too. I am thinking I need to learn your eyelid flutter technique.
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