Absent For A Bit ....

I am away for a little while working on a few or more episodes for The Adventures of My Space Alien Alter Ego story ... will return (to Earth) soon!

Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.



Five Inches of Canine Confusion

Because my Cooper is getting older he is having a harder time climbing up on the bed. So I lowered it down about five inches by removing the metal framework.

Now it is the same height as the couch in the livingroom which he has no problems with getting onto. BUT he is confused about the bed. He doesn't seem to understand what has happened and he won't just jump up on it. He has complained loudly about it. We spent about an hour trying to help him. He did 'crawl' onto it once with Tamie helping him, it was hilarious, but then couldn't figure it out again. He finally gave up and slept on the floor. He even SAW me remove the metal frame.

Old dogs, old tricks.

At least I got to enjoy watching Tamie make running and jumping examples for the dog.

Old women, old tricks.


If three beers a day wiLL get you to age 110, I am wondering if a 6-pack wiLL let you reach 220.


I saw a headline: 

Massachusetts Mayor Calls Bobby Jindal The 'Gomer Pyle' of Politics

I thought this was very unfair to Gomer Pyle.

Plus Ted Cruz trying to make bacon with a machine gun. Only Rachel Maddow pointed out that it wasn't a machine gun, it was a semi-automatic.


I just realized I usually go for several months at a time without ever thinking of Hubert Humphrey.


At first I thought I had an injury on the knuckle of my right hand. Then I realized it was dried ketchup from supper eleven hours ago. I have no idea how I missed that, I remember wiping my hands off with a napkin, bizarre.


Fargo!!!! Season 2!!!! October!!!!

I saw that production is currently underway for season 2 of Better Call Saul in Albuquerque.


Donald Trump found the love of his life at a very early age. It was the first time he looked in a mirror.



fmcgmccllc said...

Proud of Tamie for giving it the old college try. Poor pup

esbboston said...

fmcgmccllc: This afternoon I realized that it might be an orientation problem. In the other bedroom he always gets up on the west side so I focused on that and he was able to get in just fine.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Dogs have strange logic, but then dogs think humans have strange logic. When a dog looks in the mirror he sees god. When Donald looks in a mirror he sees pmurt, which sounds like permit. . . . I wonder that is important.Permits are normally important

I here that the worse things Donald says the more folk like him, or so they are saying in Britain.

I was told every bacon butty takes an hour off your life, So I make sure I take at least two hours to eat them so I will also live to 220.

esbboston said...

Rob: When I first saw your word 'pmurt' I thought that maybe the p would be silent. But I heard something whispering from my computer screen and I leaned in veRy close and it was the p of pmurt saying, "I am NOT silent!!!" - which makes since as it comes from Trump backwards. I am not sure that I want to listen to the debates tonight. On the Republican side I think I am in favor of Kasich. I was eXcited today that he is polling in 2nd place in New Hampshire, ignoring Trump that means first place for sane people.

Rob Z Tobor said...

I'm not convinced the world is any more sane when run by sane people. . . . I will always volunteer to be President of the USA if it will help.

esbboston said...

Rob: You would have to be a resident before you could be president. I don't think I would want to be president although I think I could figure out how to do a good job. Most people running are roughly my age or loder, so I can't even imagine how they have enough energy to do all they do in any single day. I would definitely be known as the president who naps. Running all our business ventures is difficult enough, so running a country seems absurd... But no 'one' is really running the country, it is really a huge team of people. So all you need now is a fake birth certificate. Have you decided yet where your birthplace would be? I don't know your voice so maybe you could take some voice lessons, maybe people from our northeast sound close to you. We could swap you out for a current resident who looks like you.

esbboston said...

Rob: I found a Robert Tobor in the state of Colorado, so we could switch him out as soon as I can get my "team" together. I haven't confirmed that "he" is presidential "material, but remember Trump has lowered the bar.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Can I come from New England then I am less likely to slip up when folk ask me questions. Once President I will lighten the mood by appearing on TV and say things like. . . . . Hey what does this big red button do. . . AH DAMN. . .

esbboston said...

Rob: HaH !!!! More proof we are twins separated by an ocean. My very first google search was "Robert Tobor Maine" before I wrote that comment to you.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Sorry Mr ESB I have just got back after a few days. Not that I have actually been anywhere But the house revamp continues and I must admit I am starting to get tired and slow dawn. But the end is getting closer and the house will look good once all is done. It would be nice just to hire a man and say do it but I cant really afford to to do that.

My daughter and her husband and their kids have arrived in the USA today and are heading towards LA but I cant remember where they are at present.

esbboston said...

Rob: I hope they have a great time visiting the US. I have been to several places in California, but with Los Angeles I have been to the airport briefly once.

New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit

Click HERE for the Art of Ernest S B Boston

These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !

Something New:

I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.

First poem in the series of linked poems ....

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Blog Archive

My Art

These are some of my abstract art pieces. They are available as prints, send me a note if you are interested.

Couch Glow

Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke

Gold As Smoke

Flowing Wood

Flowing Wood