I am pretty sure that the amount of energy that I eXpended in the process of caring for the plants, watering them, transporting them between the inside and outside twice a year, vastly eXceeds the amount of food energy that I gained by eating the pineapple. Plus my wife ate one fourth of the pineapple, and I am saving one fourth for someone else. At least I didn't spend any money on water - they live completely on a diet of rain water. No wait, I think I spent $10 on the large water collection barrel, but that eXpense is spread out across the grape vines and the orchid as weLL. I store water long term in leftover 2 quart jugs from V-8 juice. So I do use some city water to clean those out .... $$$
Absent For A Bit ....
Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
My First Pineapple Harvest !!!
I am pretty sure that the amount of energy that I eXpended in the process of caring for the plants, watering them, transporting them between the inside and outside twice a year, vastly eXceeds the amount of food energy that I gained by eating the pineapple. Plus my wife ate one fourth of the pineapple, and I am saving one fourth for someone else. At least I didn't spend any money on water - they live completely on a diet of rain water. No wait, I think I spent $10 on the large water collection barrel, but that eXpense is spread out across the grape vines and the orchid as weLL. I store water long term in leftover 2 quart jugs from V-8 juice. So I do use some city water to clean those out .... $$$
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: Texas Pineapple Harvest
Sixteen Shades Of Pink
Update: Later in the afternoon while my wife was behind me in the laundry room with some noise by her, from the kitchen I told her, "At least now I have a good reason to go to Georgia"
"Oh, silly silly woman", I thought, not spoken.
Posted by
10:01 AM
Labels: Cherokee
Saving Private Susie
I have been working on three projects. I didn't mean to, it was just a de-painting job at first, but then an "emergency" insulating project interrupted the de-painting before I could even start the painting, and then The Wife begged me to help her with a display case refinishing project. Three large cases. The third project of the display cases involved heavy object moving and straining, but at least I was off the ladder, The Up & Down, of the first two projects.
I teLL you aLL that to let you know that by earlier this afternoon my left leg had joined the right in a pain revolt. A charlie-horse had bothered the right leg through the previous night of little sleep.
I was in the middle of buying lumber and decided to go home for some ibuprofen and maybe coffee, and an ice water refiLL. Cooper needed me by then as weLL.
So I laid down on my bed with the iPad propped on the night stand with Cooper snuggled at my feet, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing and the ibuprofen to do its molecular magic. I had no intention of visiting dreamland, but I did while journeying-journaling through Wall Street on the iPad.
So the dream begins as I am going to see my best friend Susie. I drive to her country "estate" to help her with her bionic leg devices, something akin to the movie "Iron Man", only simpler, just legs. There is actuaLLy nothing wrong with Susie's legs in the real world.
She is eXcited to get her leg-so-skeletons but part way through the fitting & adjusting process a wasp lands on the side of her head in the temple region. It is searching for a place to driLL and for some reason I can not get Susie's attention, she keeps talking, my arms seem powerless to lift, to move, to shoo the inject-insect away. FinaLLy the anger is building up and I start huffing and puffing Three Little Pigs style, and I interrupt and irritate the injecter-insecter, and he stares back scowling at me and it seems I can read his mind, he is not happy. Then it appears he is fixing to launch and I can sense he is headed my way!
FinaLLy I build up aLL my strength and simultaneously say veRy BAD BAD words, and I take a swing to eject the insect from Susie's head.
In the real world my fist collides with the iPad and it lands face down on the bedroom carpet. But it is not a boxing knock-out, because suddenly a woman's voice is talking on the iPad. Yes, in the real world I hear a woman's voice coming from the floored device and I sit up on the side of my bed and crack up laughing. In aLL this commotion Cooper has not moved. He just looks at me wide eyed wondering. What is happening to my Ernie, why the violence, the cursing?!?!?
The Wall Street Journal app just h-app-ened to be open to a story about colleges setting up a "good-bye buffer station" to make the child-parent departing process easy and fast, emphasis on getting the parents to leave. My fist just happened to punch the button to start the video interview of Sanette Tanaka, Wall Street Journal reporter. ActuaLLy it was the louder woman in the interview that I first heard, but I couldn't find her identity.
Once I had my coffee cup fiLLed, I caLLed Susie to teLL her about my dream. I told her I had been busy saving her life. She thought it was interesting, and that I have the wildest dreams. She also asked about what meds I was on, but I told her just ibuprofen, just two tablets.
Posted by
8:09 PM
Oh, The You In Our
I wrote this for one of my relatives. He owns a piece of property far away from where he lives but somewhat close to his ex-father-in-law. His ex-wife was visiting and sent him a text mesage about the far away property, complaining about what the neighbors were doing to some trees on "our" property, but interestingly after the divorce she is no longer a legal owner.
I told him, "You can say: there is the letter U in the word y-o-u and there is the letter U in the word o-u-r, but there is no Y-o-u in this o-u-r'"
Something Different: What are the people of Iran protesting about now? ... The price of chicken
Something Oriental: Torch Festival
There is a Torch Festival in Butuo County in Sichuan Province, China this week. There are sheep and bull fighting, beauty contests, and horse racing.
I am not eXactly sure who the contestants are in these events, it might be people versus sheep, or sheep versus bulls, or people and sheep versus bulls, etc, just not sure.
Now, a beauty contest while horse racing simultaneously being pursued by angry sheep would be interesting, especiaLLy if the judges were buLLs.
"Baaa", "Mooo", and the visiting Russian ice skating contest judge in the audience secretly and silently gives everyone a low score.
Posted by
8:16 PM
Why Head Why
Five A.M.
The Wife says, "I don't know why I can't go to sleep, I have to work tomorrow."
I respond "I know why. You are just so glad to be married to me."
Wife emits roar of laughter, wave upon wave.
Meanwhile I have a veRy valid reason for not sleeping, an eXtreme headache wanna-be, which I am treating, no fighting, with a combo-nation of coffee, ibuprofen, peanut butter sandwich and it seems there was something else.
Coffee is finaLLy ready.
Thw Wife teLLs me another story after she foLLows me into the living room where the cerebral battle continues, Pain V Coffee.
She says, (and I eXplain)
"So I hear the TV
(get loud because it was silent)
and there is a pain in my back and I start looking for the remote
and then I realize
(her laughter)
that I am laying on the remote
(and she fails to mention or notice that her back had turned up the volume.)"
One of the ways that you can teLL that is her authentic conversation is that it has the word "TV" instead of "teleBision".
We now have our own iPads, it is a truly marvelous situation. The Wifey wanted my old one so I was "forced" to buy a new one. With cameras! Skype seems to work a little better, perhaps it is the faster processors, dunno. I don't think I have ever wrote the word dunno before. When I wanted to take a picture of my grape vine leaf yesterday, to show that it was larger than the palm of my hand, I had to hold the iPad with one hand, put the other hand under the grape leaf (still on the vine) and then push the camera shutter button with my nose.
While proofreading this I noticed the word "the" is speLLed "thw" in the sixth paragraph, but I decided to not fix it, because I had already fixed it once before as the very first word in the first paragraph.
Cool: I just realized that "dunno" is a contraction of three words, with an implied fourth word, "[I] do not know".
Posted by
6:17 AM
Is That Me?
((( I actuaLLy knew that?!?!?!? - you ask )))
Reference: Bladesports
Posted by
5:21 PM
Oh, A Type 0 from the WSJ
Posted by
3:35 PM
Not My Dream [Comma Optional] Wife
My wife just asked me, "Did you ask me for a pen in the middle of the night?"
"No." I answer, puzzled.
"Well, there is one on this table" - in the dining room.
She continues with a chuckle, "I had the strangest dream you kept asking me for a pen, and I kept saying, 'There is one in there in the dining room', what a strange dream".
I am thinking, yes, that is kinda strange.
Then she hauls a basket of socks from the laundry room before asking me, "Is this thing anything?" - yes, those were her eXact words.
I bet you can guess what my answer was. If you guessed "No", then the answer to your answer about my answer is no, you should know better than that.
"Yes", I simply say, before I even see It.
She hands me a dark piece of plastic coated metal that requires I eventuaLLy photograph it so you too can be as puzzled as me. But I wiLL keep you in suspense and publish this first without a picture.
Then I thought, I hope I don't lose it before I photograph it, that would be reaLLy terrible.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: Stupid Dreams
The Empire of Rob
Update: 2012.08.27 - The pineapple plant (on the left rear) that is part of The Empire of Rob has longer leaves, a couple of them are about 8 inches. The pineapple plant on the right-front is from the top of the pineapple I harvested recently.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: British Empire, My Pineapple Plantation
The Idiot Sign Salesman
A salesman for a sign company named Signtronix shows up at our store today.
He asks if he can demonstrate his sign technology. I am momentarily elated, "ooh, new!", are my thoughts.
My wife and I agree to a demonstration.
He goes out to his vehicle and brings in a strangely shaped black bag and a stand to set it upon. My wife helps him get access to an electrical outlet.
Then the salesman starts talking and asks me some technical question about signs to which I simply answer, yes, I have heard about that. I don't remember what it was, and it didn't reaLLy matter. The sign is still in the bag. I can't see the sign.
He mentions something about some high official, maybe it was the founder of the company being from Borger. And I get suspicious then, thinking, isn't this a Torrance, California based company? What are the odds? I will have to check this out later.
He keeps talking. --- And talking. --- And talking.
I am starting to unlisten.
After a couple minutes I am very irritated at the sound of his voice. He sounds artificial. I don't know why, there is just something bombastically used car salesman nauseating about it, like I'm being forced to listen to a classroom lecture or a funeral sermon for someone I don't like. I kind of raised my hand just a little bit and he stopped talking momentarily enough so I asked this question,
"Can I just see your sign?"
He turned around and quietly walked back to his dark suitcase looking thing-on-a-stand and instead of unzipping the cover, he unplugs the power cord from the wall and begins to roll up his extension cord.
I asked him, "Are we not going to get to see your sign?!?!?"
He turned around and quickly replied, "I asked for ten minutes of your time and it seems you only want to give me three."
There is this quick flash thought that I have interrupted a magician in mid stream and his secret was revealed to the audience, and now he is pouting, taking his toys, and going home.
So I replied, "So, you are just going to get mad and leave?!?!?"
He replied, "I'm not mad ..." and said something else I have now forgot.
I am thinking, this idiot is more concerned with giving his presentation AND hearing himself speak, than he is in making a sale. I messed with his flow, and he became flow-strated.
I asked him to leave.
I think my wife was irritated with me.
Lesson: When you are a salesman the most important thing to do is make a sale, not talk.
Posted by
7:07 PM
Labels: Signtronix Idiot
I Am The Luckiest Person On The Planet
Posted by
5:14 PM
Labels: Free Ice Cream
Weekends Are For Those with Weak Ends and Weak Middles
I heard an elderly lady say this today:
"I think its crazy that they have the 4th of July in the middle of the week, they should move it to the weekend."
I just didn't have a response to this.
Update: I just eXperienced a veRy shocking episode in my life thay almost caused me to faint and faLL out of my kitchen chair.
I was almost finished eating my home-made chicken gumbo and suddenly a spoon came from above on the opposite side of the bar to take a test bite. It was my wife.
Now, you have to understand the ridicule and second class citizenship I have suffered, YES, suffered, from this woman who has complained almost every time about the smeLL of my gumbo. Everytime I have suggested she try gumbo, at home or in a restaurant, she vehemently answered, "NO-NEVER!!!", so folks, I am now living in Never Never Land.
She took a second bite.
I intensified my fake fainting.
She spiLLed a few drops on her blouse, but that didn't even begin to slow her down.
She was eating dangerously now, allowing the spoon to travel mid-air over a calculator.
So I moved the pan over the bar closer to her. Yes, I was eating directly out of the pan.
I took out my camera and shot a picture for blackmail and ridicule purposes. I can not wait to show the children.
I came in the living room to write this up and she yeLLed (mildly), "I finished it aLL!!!"
After she came in the living room I gave her eXact recipe instructions verbaLLy. Now, I reaLLy wiLL faint if I catch her actuaLLy cooking gumbo.
Posted by
9:24 PM
New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit
These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !
Something New:
I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.
First poem in the series of linked poems ....
Turn Gold Out of the Darkness
Blog Archive
- My First Pineapple Harvest !!!
- Sixteen Shades Of Pink
- Saving Private Susie
- Oh, The You In Our
- Why Head Why
- Is That Me?
- Oh, A Type 0 from the WSJ
- Not My Dream [Comma Optional] Wife
- The Empire of Rob
- The Idiot Sign Salesman
- I Am The Luckiest Person On The Planet
- Weekends Are For Those with Weak Ends and Weak Mid...
My Art
Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke
Flowing Wood
