Five A.M.
The Wife says, "I don't know why I can't go to sleep, I have to work tomorrow."
I respond "I know why. You are just so glad to be married to me."
Wife emits roar of laughter, wave upon wave.
Meanwhile I have a veRy valid reason for not sleeping, an eXtreme headache wanna-be, which I am treating, no fighting, with a combo-nation of coffee, ibuprofen, peanut butter sandwich and it seems there was something else.
Coffee is finaLLy ready.
Thw Wife teLLs me another story after she foLLows me into the living room where the cerebral battle continues, Pain V Coffee.
She says, (and I eXplain)
"So I hear the TV
(get loud because it was silent)
and there is a pain in my back and I start looking for the remote
and then I realize
(her laughter)
that I am laying on the remote
(and she fails to mention or notice that her back had turned up the volume.)"
One of the ways that you can teLL that is her authentic conversation is that it has the word "TV" instead of "teleBision".
We now have our own iPads, it is a truly marvelous situation. The Wifey wanted my old one so I was "forced" to buy a new one. With cameras! Skype seems to work a little better, perhaps it is the faster processors, dunno. I don't think I have ever wrote the word dunno before. When I wanted to take a picture of my grape vine leaf yesterday, to show that it was larger than the palm of my hand, I had to hold the iPad with one hand, put the other hand under the grape leaf (still on the vine) and then push the camera shutter button with my nose.
While proofreading this I noticed the word "the" is speLLed "thw" in the sixth paragraph, but I decided to not fix it, because I had already fixed it once before as the very first word in the first paragraph.
Cool: I just realized that "dunno" is a contraction of three words, with an implied fourth word, "[I] do not know".
Six Miles
5 weeks ago
I have always found hot buttered toast is good for a headache although it has to be real butter made with cows....
Having your own ipads is good it means you can point at each other and say
ipad too
and it is good that you can operate an ipad with your nose, I cant even see my eye with my nose?
Starting to become concerned with the headaches, perhaps sinus? Would love to see your pictures. I still need a camera and just can't make a decision.
Ha! The next time I have a backache, I am going to be sure there's not a remote involved...
fmcgmccllc: Yesterday was an un-fun day dealing with the banking industry, with an emphasis on try & dust & ban. It was one of the worst days of my life trying to help someone else, but there are too many virtual brick waLLs, mental ones, when you are dealing with rural Texas folks sometimes, and the day was a supreme eXample of the wrong people in a job, taking demi-forever to accomplish semi-nothing.
Shelly: it adds whole new meaning to the phrase "it's a remote possibility"
Rob: yes, I am eXactly like you, my nose is blind as weLL. It is no where as prehensile as an elephant either, but it tries to help out the best it can doing odd jobs especiaLLy since it does such a poor job in the odor detection business. At least it isn't particularly ugly.
MurrB: When you can get to the point where you can do on/off, switch channels, and do volume up/down/mute while dreaming, you have arrived at the non-ularity. Non-ularity is the brief moment right before the Singularity; my new word for the day, invented just for you.
Cate is desperately waiting for her new (replacement) iPad
Badger: In my current state of eXhaustion I almost left my new iPad at the hardware store just now. Luckily a smaLL boy came running after me across the parking lot with it.
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