If a man named David who's last name isn't Letterman wrote a letter to David Letterman, would he then be known as a 'David the David Letterman Letter Man non-Letterman' ? Would the 'non' be uppercase? I wonder how large this group is and how many of them know they are part of it.
(OOPS! I noticed a system malfunction in Facebook where I posted the first paragraph)
Update: HELLO FACEBOOK !!! I worked REAlllllY hard on a beautiful 2nd part to the original as a comment and NOW it disk-appeared. Thank you .... I will try again, sad face follows .... (Do you like my new word? 'Disk-appeared' pretty nifty word. It means things that disappear from a computer mysteriously.)
Update: Okay, here we go again ....
Now I am concerned about the use of a definite article 'the' instead of the indefinite article 'a', so maybe 'David A David Letterman Letter Man Non-Letterman' ? - YES !!! - I think that is better lettering.
Update: So if someone defaced 'Facebook' it would be known as 'Book' ?
That would be confusing as people at dinner parties asked one another, 'Are you on Book?'
Update: I almost erased that last comment because I wasn't sure that it fit in well with the previous disk-course, but then decided to leave it in place.
(Do you like my new word 'disk-course' ? It means what people do when they talk about things using a computer as a communication device, but there is a requirement that the information must be stored on some form of disk, such as what I am doing right now. Spooky. There is a server some where col-lect-ing your thoughts and babble. Whhhrrrrrrr, goes the platter ..... magnetism flips the matter, lasers blip the bit. Blink. At high speed.)
Update: [ Oh, golly, I forgot all about women! How on earth did I manage to do that? I even like women really well. ]
So for political correctness, I offer this:
I suddenly remembered the last name of the female Jewish character on the CBS television show 'NCIS' whose last name is 'David'. So , , , think think think , , , there could be women who have a last name of David who have wrote letters to David Letterman as well. So would they be a 'Non-Man David David Letterman Letter Man' ? The final Man is a gender neutral role description, like 'Post Man' or 'Mail Man'.
Update: Now I need to start constructing Venn Diagrams to visualize this giant piece of Non-Sense.
Update: A friend wrote a comment - "Clearly your brain gets going late at night. Maybe it was that moon-burn that triggered your night-brained creativity."
My Response: Luna, I see.
Her Response: Ah, lunacy...
My Response: That's too funny - I almost started my previous comment with 'ah' as well !