Since I started driving an F-350 last December, I notice trucks.
All of them.
I can usually pick out a Freightliner now at very great distances.
Well, today I was at an intersection of Cedar waiting to go north and an electric utility company truck with a tool bed chassis drives by at 40 mph headed south with a completely OPEN toolbox door! There was no telephone booth to change into my Superman outfit, so I zoom out into traffic and my turbocharged Power Stroke 6.0 liter V8 diesel steed catches up to them in three blocks. My horn causes them to slow down and the driver rolls down his window as I yell out, "your door is open", pointing, and they stop suddenly IN traffic to close it and then I keep going. I wonder if my electric bill will be lower next month, (wink)?
All in a days work for FTM.
So I went south a couple blocks to turn around to get back downtown to our business. But the next thing I saw on the journey north in my rear view mirror two blocks later was a Borger city police car tail-gating me! I thought, "Oh, no, am I getting a speeding ticket?!?!?" AND he just kept getting closer, so I pulled over into the gas station but luckily the cop kept right on going. No lights, no siren.
My super hero secret identity is safe for now ...