Today's Dumb Joke: The magician David Copperfield was going down a road when he suddenly turned into a driveway.
Today's Dumber Joke: Do you know where to find Ukraine on the map?
U look right between Tkraine and Vkraine
Today's Dumbest Joke: What are the two hottest days of the week?
Fryday and Sunday
Yea! I heard the position for King or Queen of the Netherlands is opening up, but I would have to wait until April. Bummer. I could do that job.
Time is magical on computers. The iOS 6.1 software update says
'9 Minutes To Go'
and I close my eyes to rest.
A few seconds later I open my eyes and it says 11.
I try closing my eyes longer. This time it's 12 minutes to go (!)
I try one more time .... Wait .... wAit .... waIt .... waiT ...... 13 minutes (?)
I must be sleeping wrong.
I was able to fix a door yesterday. I think that technicaLLy makes me a-door-able.
They have a local newspaper in Oklahoma that covers four counties. The unique purpose of the "OK Jailbirds" is to give you information about the recently arrested, and fugitives. The issue I photographed at a convenience store in Enid OK covers Garfield, Kingfisher, Major and Noble counties. It is published once a month on the 2nd Saturday.
Then I found out today that there are several local editions for different chunks for most the state of Oklahoma. I found the online site and this map. The western part of Oklahoma is very sparsely populated, so that is my guess as to why they don't have jailbird coverage (yet). Or maybe the people in those counties are better nicer people? After aLL, they do live closer to me and perhaps I am a positive influence on the crime rate in western Oklahoma.
Six Miles
5 weeks ago
Oh, esb. You ARE a-DOOR-able!
Oh, Marianne, you cracked me up laughing, (to use door lingo) unhinged. I bet you say that to aLL the bloggers from Borger Texas.
I too thought I will think of something clever and witty to say . . . . . . . . . .. . . . AH DAMN I failed.
However I am making a cake at present it is in the oven so thinking of something witty under cake stress is very hard.
I am thinking in the sparsely populated western OK everyone pretty much knows or is related to the current law breakers.
Never believe an atom. They make up everything.
Mia: I find it hard to believe atoms unless they are at a ground state or part of an interesting molecule. I have taken about a week off from studying biochemistry so it tis time to jump back in the deep end of the pool. Currently studying enzymes.
I have a veRy evil step relative in western Oklahoma, but I think she is from Kansas.
What kinda cake did you make?
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