Absent For A Bit ....

I am away for a little while working on a few or more episodes for The Adventures of My Space Alien Alter Ego story ... will return (to Earth) soon!

Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.



Today's Dog Lesson On The Fly

I have observed Hopper trying to grab flies in mid air with his mouth several times for most his entire life with me, all 1560 days. But I have no idea how often he gets one ..OR.. what he does with the fly after capture.

Tonight I saw that he was successful ..AND.. that he spit the dead fly out onto the carpet. After I told him that I was proud of him, he went back and inspected the fly, maybe to make sure it was dead.

I spend a huge amount of time getting to know my dogs! Right before the fly episode I was wondering how much they understand of my speaking to them. They understand some words & phrases extremely well, like: biscuit, bone, cheese, chicken, food, front porch, go bye-bye, go outside, go to the office, snuggle, spaghetti etc.

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New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit

Click HERE for the Art of Ernest S B Boston

These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !

Something New:

I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.

First poem in the series of linked poems ....

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Turn Gold Out of the Darkness

Blog Archive

My Art

These are some of my abstract art pieces. They are available as prints, send me a note if you are interested.

Couch Glow

Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke

Gold As Smoke

Flowing Wood

Flowing Wood