Absent For A Bit ....
I am away for a little while working on a few or more episodes for The Adventures of My Space Alien Alter Ego story ... will return (to Earth) soon!
Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
Taco Bell - New Item
I reaLLy like the new smothered shredded chicken burrito at Taco Bell. I omit the sour cream.
Update: When I got my third sample (of three days) at around 11 PM it seemed like they forgot to put chicken through the entire length of the burrito, and it seemed like there was less chicken. So it was more of a buritto instead of a burrito. (hahahaha)
ActuaLLy, there seemed to be some dried out food (crunchy) as weLL, probably the rice. I am thinking that they may lower their quality standards later at night.
Posted by
11:00 PM
Ground Control To .... Baby Still
I instaLL the latest update to Google Earth on my iPhone, but a few seconds into playing with it I am suddenly 33 miles above the earth's surface. "Hellooooo, helppppppppp"
I was reading CNN this morning and found out that the name of the royal baby in the UK is Still Unnamed. I thought that Still is a terrible first name but I found the middle name Unnamed an interesting choice. I am pronouncing it with a long U sound and the accent on the na, so it is You-NAH-Med, very similar to Muhhamed. I checked and there are no previous British monarchy with this name.
I asked my wife if she had heard what the royal baby's middle name was. She said, "No" - so I told her the You-NAH-Med, and her response was, "Oh My!!!" - so I am waiting now to see if she teLLs anyone.
I have decided that the first name Still should be pronounced Steel.
My wife's response a few minutes later to the complete name was, "That's terrible!"
I told her that it must be a British thing.
I caLLed my mother to teLL her, but she just laughed. I told her those two words were actuaLLy in the CNN headline.
Posted by
5:57 AM
Labels: cnn, Royal Baby Name
Dogs See Sharks In Color In Tornado
My younger son was acting goofy and so I joined in the fun. We were typing siLLy things for Google to search, and this one brought up an article about the Kennedy family, the infamous Massachusetts one. It seems they got in trouble with the Federal government for trying to save a sea turtle. THAT was the ONLY thing that Google returned in the search. BUT the neXt day when I tried it, it returned nothing. This proves that a Kennedy can deny the Internet. I have been trying my whole life (without knowing it) to find something to kinda rhyme with Kennedy and finaLLy found it, can deny, so YEA!!!)
I found this link to the Kennedy's latest legal troubles: Free Sea Turtles
I didn't get around to finding anything about dogs seeing in color.
I also noticed that Massachusetts is a state that sounds plural even though I am pretty sure its an old Indian name. So it made me want to check the other 49 states to see if they are plural-ish. Then I thought of Rhode Island's full legal name:
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
So there is a plural. I didn't find any other states with pluralisms, but then I thought that maybe the state's name could mean something in another language that might be plural. For instance several states are Indian phrases. So I wiLL have to investigate that. Oh, I did find some plural territories:
Northern Mariana Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
Texas - Caddo Indian word for "friends or allies"
(I haven't finished checking aLL the states yet)
Posted by
9:01 AM
I Think I Have An Obsessive Compulsive Stalker
Someone "J" used to be my best friend for about 5 years from about 1995 to 2000, but then she moved away and we've had limited infrequent contact. While she lived two houses down the street we talked a bunch, cooked, shared stories, and baked bread. She was a front porch person. Her sister from far away asked to be my friend in Facebook. I met the sister of my BF and felt she was veRy opinionated and bossy. After a while on Facebook it seemed she started to fail in her ability to communicate, and I grew weary of seemingly somewhat artificial turmoil. So in rare form, I dropped her as a friend in Facebook, something I rarely do.
I have many names based on my legal name of Ernest. My names range from Ernest, Ernie, Ern and then from my friend J I received the name "E". Soon everyone who passed through her veRy public house caLLed me E.
So imagine my surprise a few nights ago when I received a Facebook message from my former best friend that says:
Hi Ernie, how are you doing? question. always wanted to know why you stopped e-mailing my sister. did she offend you?
I thought it was a strange request coming at around 2:30 AM, but I started a detailed reply that basicaLLy said her sister was insane ...BUT... I suddenly noticed that the message didn't begin with "Hi E" - it said "Hi Ernie" - so I erased my original reply after noticing that sure enough every former message from J had caLLed me "E".
So I responded briefly AND received no reply:
Hi J-----!
First of all, is this reaLLy J-----? J----- always called me E.
After two days I stiLL had not received a reply, so it made me think the crazy sister of J had hijacked J's FB account.
So I stopped by J's daughter's house right around the corner from me and got J's phone number. I caLLed her this afternoon and she was surprised that someone had used her FB messaging disguised as her trying to trick me.
I have many names based on my legal name of Ernest. My names range from Ernest, Ernie, Ern and then from my friend J I received the name "E". Soon everyone who passed through her veRy public house caLLed me E.
So imagine my surprise a few nights ago when I received a Facebook message from my former best friend that says:
Hi Ernie, how are you doing? question. always wanted to know why you stopped e-mailing my sister. did she offend you?
I thought it was a strange request coming at around 2:30 AM, but I started a detailed reply that basicaLLy said her sister was insane ...BUT... I suddenly noticed that the message didn't begin with "Hi E" - it said "Hi Ernie" - so I erased my original reply after noticing that sure enough every former message from J had caLLed me "E".
So I responded briefly AND received no reply:
Hi J-----!
First of all, is this reaLLy J-----? J----- always called me E.
After two days I stiLL had not received a reply, so it made me think the crazy sister of J had hijacked J's FB account.
So I stopped by J's daughter's house right around the corner from me and got J's phone number. I caLLed her this afternoon and she was surprised that someone had used her FB messaging disguised as her trying to trick me.
Posted by
7:37 PM
The Half Hot Chicken Sandwich Was Not Obtained Bra-less-ly
"If I didn't have to put my bra on, I'd go to McDonald's."
Now that is a great advertising slogan. It made me laugh.
ActuaLLy, by the time I got those sentences typed into my iPad she had got out of her pajamas and put on her bra, and was soon on her way across town to get our 11:00 PM snacks, for man, woman and dog.
I wasn't the hungry one who started this. But as soon as she mentioned being hungry, I became hungry.
Soon I wiLL have a chocolate milkshake, fries, and chicken sandwich. Mmmmmm.....
I have a Half Hot Chicken Sandwich.
What is that?
It is my invention. I get two chicken sandwiches, one hot & spicy, the other one regular. Then I take the meat off one sandwich and put on the other, add BBQ sauce, and eat just one bun. MmmMmm...
Food has now arrived, I must stop typing now ... Pressing Publish
My wife ordered two chocolate milkshakes. Her's wound up being a vanilla shake. As she was getting the chocolate syrup out of the frig to repair the damage, I said, "Well, there's only 12 ways to fix it."
She asked, "How?"
I answered, "Buy a case of 12 bottles of that chocolate syrup."
My Half Hot Sandwich was eXtremely spicy - it was as if the one hot & spicy meat pattie had so much spice that it would probably glow radioactive orange in the dark.
The large $1.89 order of french fries were absolutely horribly cold and icky.
There is currently a Monopoly Prize game playing at McDonald's for cash, food and prizes. I told my wife that it would be ironic if we got a game piece for free french fries.
She began ripping the game pieces off the packaging to check them for fries. She laughed - sure enough, the last one she pulled off revealed "Medium Fries".
Now that is a great advertising slogan. It made me laugh.
ActuaLLy, by the time I got those sentences typed into my iPad she had got out of her pajamas and put on her bra, and was soon on her way across town to get our 11:00 PM snacks, for man, woman and dog.
I wasn't the hungry one who started this. But as soon as she mentioned being hungry, I became hungry.
Soon I wiLL have a chocolate milkshake, fries, and chicken sandwich. Mmmmmm.....
I have a Half Hot Chicken Sandwich.
What is that?
It is my invention. I get two chicken sandwiches, one hot & spicy, the other one regular. Then I take the meat off one sandwich and put on the other, add BBQ sauce, and eat just one bun. MmmMmm...
Food has now arrived, I must stop typing now ... Pressing Publish
My wife ordered two chocolate milkshakes. Her's wound up being a vanilla shake. As she was getting the chocolate syrup out of the frig to repair the damage, I said, "Well, there's only 12 ways to fix it."
She asked, "How?"
I answered, "Buy a case of 12 bottles of that chocolate syrup."
My Half Hot Sandwich was eXtremely spicy - it was as if the one hot & spicy meat pattie had so much spice that it would probably glow radioactive orange in the dark.
The large $1.89 order of french fries were absolutely horribly cold and icky.
There is currently a Monopoly Prize game playing at McDonald's for cash, food and prizes. I told my wife that it would be ironic if we got a game piece for free french fries.
She began ripping the game pieces off the packaging to check them for fries. She laughed - sure enough, the last one she pulled off revealed "Medium Fries".
Posted by
10:53 PM
Labels: McDonald's
Counting Backwards By Seven
I was at the doctor's office having some memory and cognitive reasoning checks.
I was doing remarkably well.
We got to this test where the doc asked me to count backwards from 100 in steps of 7, and his last part was, "... and see how far you can go."
Well, 14 x 7 = 98, and 100 - 98 = 2 .... so when I got to 2 the doc said, "That's great, now lets go on to ..."
But I ignored him and went into negative numbers
And the doc rudely interrupted trying to make me stop. But I remembered having to wait in the Waiting Room for an extra hour and a half beyond my scheduled appointment, and I decided it was time to waste a little of the doctor's time.
"Really, umm, Mr. Boston we really need to ..
".. move on to the next tests .."
In a quiet voice he told his nurse to get a needle filled with something .... I figured probably for me.
I pulled out a .45 automatic model 1911, and laid it on the counter and told the surprised doc that this caliber of handgun isn't divisible by seven but I did have seven shells in the magazine while loading the eighth shell into the firing chamber. But the model number 1911 is divisible by seven.
"Doc, your instructions were to count backwards from 100 by seven and see how far I could go. So we are going to be here a while. The nurse can leave."
"-47" ... ... ...
I got out my calculator to see how fast I needed to go to reach -600 in an hour and a half, and then paced myself. I thought a nice even group of 100 subtractions would suffice and be agonizingly slow.
I didn't tell him I planned to stop at -600.
It turns out that an hour and a half listening to a person count backwards by seven irritates a SWAT team, too.
So now you know why I will be gone for a long time to a special hospital with bars on the windows for the criminally insane.
(None of this story is true, but I did create the story plot with the negative numbers idea while talking to my mother about her recent doctor visit, so, special thanks to her.)
I was doing remarkably well.
We got to this test where the doc asked me to count backwards from 100 in steps of 7, and his last part was, "... and see how far you can go."
Well, 14 x 7 = 98, and 100 - 98 = 2 .... so when I got to 2 the doc said, "That's great, now lets go on to ..."
But I ignored him and went into negative numbers
And the doc rudely interrupted trying to make me stop. But I remembered having to wait in the Waiting Room for an extra hour and a half beyond my scheduled appointment, and I decided it was time to waste a little of the doctor's time.
"Really, umm, Mr. Boston we really need to ..
".. move on to the next tests .."
In a quiet voice he told his nurse to get a needle filled with something .... I figured probably for me.
I pulled out a .45 automatic model 1911, and laid it on the counter and told the surprised doc that this caliber of handgun isn't divisible by seven but I did have seven shells in the magazine while loading the eighth shell into the firing chamber. But the model number 1911 is divisible by seven.
"Doc, your instructions were to count backwards from 100 by seven and see how far I could go. So we are going to be here a while. The nurse can leave."
"-47" ... ... ...
I got out my calculator to see how fast I needed to go to reach -600 in an hour and a half, and then paced myself. I thought a nice even group of 100 subtractions would suffice and be agonizingly slow.
I didn't tell him I planned to stop at -600.
It turns out that an hour and a half listening to a person count backwards by seven irritates a SWAT team, too.
So now you know why I will be gone for a long time to a special hospital with bars on the windows for the criminally insane.
(None of this story is true, but I did create the story plot with the negative numbers idea while talking to my mother about her recent doctor visit, so, special thanks to her.)
Posted by
5:38 PM
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New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit
Click HERE for the Art of Ernest S B Boston
These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !
Something New:
I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.
First poem in the series of linked poems ....
These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !
Something New:
I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.
First poem in the series of linked poems ....
Turn Gold Out of the Darkness
Blog Archive
My Art
These are some of my abstract art pieces. They are available as prints, send me a note if you are interested.
Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke
Flowing Wood
