I noticed today that I got 20 blog hits from Ethiopia. I rarely get African readers. Who are you? Share your eXperience of The Ernest.
I am veRy frustrated because iOS version 7 on Apple iPad seems to have giant flaws. I keep having to teLL the bank that I have a private connection. Popup blocking seems to work BACKWARDS. I dare not let my battery run down OR it seems impossible to get my display locked back in landscape mode. AND ... You would think that the folks (I wanted to say IDIOTs) at Apple would have figured out by now how to save something as simple as ScREEN OrIeNtATIOn between power recharging, but No! The idiots in Cupertino are just big giant idiots, too bad some of them work at Apple. And you have totaLLy screwed up something so I can't edit my blog from my iPad, screen cursor repositioning is a TOTAL failure. What is up MORONS!!! I live on my iPad as do 113 bazillion other iPad-inoids, how dare you screw up my daily life, you idoit damn morons!
On the bright side of things I am thinking about buying a laser ...............
Hmm... I am having a few issues - but nothing that bad. Perhaps it is because I have not tried to do too much yet.
I know nothing.
But I did have a reader from Aquitaine this morning, which I found charming, somehow...
Badger: I noticed that my iPad can't remember that info for my banking connection, so they have to resend that everytime I want to do online banking. But my iPhone which doesn't have iOS 7 doesn't have this problem, and I am veRy sure I did not change anything in my settings. I stiLL have been unable to puLL a huge video file off from my iPhone even when I plugged it into my computer.
Pearl: You are charming, right? That is my opinion anyway. Okay, Phillip, you are charming too, I didn't want you to feel neglected if you read my comment to Pearl.
I just bought a Nexus 7 because I was too cheap to spring for the iPad mini and I know if you can't figure it out I would be sitting and crying my eyes out. Can I be charming too, pretty please.
fmcgmccllc: Can you be charming? Let me think about it for several minutes and I wiLL get back with you ....
My Dear, you probably already know it because you have probably been told so many times and in many situations by so many peoples and puppies:
You are the epitome of charming.
(Or was that a holdover from your China days, something about 'char Ming'?)
Ethiopia well that is a new one, are they real folk or automated folk.
I hope you solve the iPad problems Mr ESB. you should put pen to paper and write a good old tradition letter. You could tell them of your worries and how you need your device to be trustworthy like a faithful dog, not fickle like a cat. Dogs are often trained to help people such as dogs for the blind but no one would give a blind person a guide cat. What you want is a iPad dog not an iPad cat....
Rob: I couldn't teLL. It or they appeared just one day I think and several older blog posts were opened.
I wonde r which animal woul d make a better service animal for blind people: giraffe, hyena, or pygmy hippopotamus
The hyena is part dog like, so maybe, just maybe .....
I tried fish tacos for the first time tonight. They were mahi-mahi based and tasted good, but I think they just didn't have the quite dipping sauce for them. I think if I would have had BBQ sauce that might have worked. I know the restaurant even had BBQ sauce but I am thinking about it two hours too late. At least I finaLLy remembered to get my Lotto ticket just in time this evening, as I messed up and didn't get it bought before Wednesday. Their drawing is twice a week on Wed and Sat and i typicaLLy buy 5 weeks at a time (the maximum purchase)
Thought I would come and see if you won the Lotto . . . . . . .
Nor did I . . . . .
Rob: I did get 3 out of 6 numbers on the previoous ticket's last use, 1 time out of 10, so I "won" 3 dollars, which in this case, is eXactly the same as losing 7 dollars, new and interesting pair-a-doxical math. Nothing so far on this ticket. I am just drinking coffee right now trying to decide which and if soup to make, as it is soup making weather outside. I think that is going to be my new favorite word: whichandif
My older son ask me if I would drive a brand new Ford F-350 King Ranch Edition truck if he won the lottery or similar windfall, and he was surprised by how fast I said Yes. There is a teleBision commercial that has a guy being eXcited because he got a monster truck, but then it zooms out to reveal his wife picked an ugly pink color. I forget the product being sold.
One advantage of the ugly pink colour (sorry UK spelling) is that it will feel less terrible when it gets scratched.....
Rob: That is funny! I could teLL my son, "Oh, NO! The truck has a scratch mark and needs a paint repair, a complete paint repair."
Rob: pink, black, or white by themselves are not too bad for colors, but there is a local plumbing service that has their trucks painted aLL three colors, truly hideous, especiaLLy when the vehicle is dirty or muddy.
Looks like you have the iDiot App
Badger: Argggg, I thought I had found and fixed this problem, BUT no, nope, nad-da, it is broken again. I thought I found the privacy switch in the pop-up from the bottom of the screen with a swipe upward, but now it seems to have disappeared, *gasp*. I have had a hard enough day of other peoples' failures to deal with playing the role of cheerleader. So I am off to read your latest blog post. When I was cooking soup yesterday I suddenly remembered that I have never got around to ordering some Australian spices.
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