Absent For A Bit ....
I am away for a little while working on a few or more episodes for The Adventures of My Space Alien Alter Ego story ... will return (to Earth) soon!
Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
I wrote this recently in response to someone inducing me to be silly:
Why are there no y in wire but there are an r?
In the middle of an embroidery job I accidentaLLy hit the Return button which cancels the current job, but it gives you a warning screen. You have to hit the Ok button to go ahead and cancel the job OR hit the Cancel button to cancel your cancel. I have messed up a few times with this particular screen, especiaLLy if the time is close to Tired Thirty PM.
Story 2: In the middle of an embroidery job I noticed that my bobbin winder is sounding older and slower than usual and my deadline is critical. I call my wife, "If I could have an early Christmas present, could you run to Walmart and get me another bobbin winder, it's like a $20 item. They close in less than 2 hours and I would hate to get slowed down if my old one broke."
So the new one arrives in a little while. Same exact brand and model eXcept the start button is red not green. BUT, it is broken! The tension device doesn't work AND the bobbin holder breaks the veRy first time I put one on it. Of course Wal-Mart has just closed by this time ...
Santa? What happened?
I don't understand the logic behind why it takes so long to start using an iPad after the battery has been drained and then you have it plugged back into the wall. Other non-Apple devices will generally start working immediately as soon as either a battery is there OR AC power is available.
Here is some silly: Campbell's makes a gumbo and a diet gumbo. One is 150 calories per serving and the other is 140.
I don't remember who said this to me recently, but I found it amusing: "I think we have done a jillion bazillion of them, well, maybe not a jillion." (I think it was my wife)
New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit
My Art
These are some of my abstract art pieces. They are available as prints, send me a note if you are interested.
I got a bit confused at the start of that, I then thought AH Mr ESB is a spy and this is in one of those unbreakable codes that a chap like me can't break. But then your Bobbin holder broke which I suspect is spy code for you think someone has cracked your secret code. . . . it is not me. . . .
I suspect your iDevice is close to being a living thing and so needs time to sort its brain out much as I do in the morning (I am an eye-device).
Here in Britain we also have low calorie foods that actually have more calories weight for weight than the original item. I always go for the original every time, although we tend to stick with our village market as the supermarket is a long drive (OK by British standards).
Bazillion sounds like an ancient city. . .
Rob: I feel veRy un-spyish this week. Really for the whole month rather un-spyish. Perhaps its the Stevia. I have just been getting busier with printing and running out of time yet I have been enjoying playing Hypersudoku. It is starting to get a little chilly here, and I am looking forward to seeing my mother soon. The trip through New Mexico was pretty with autumn colors, but it was a bit disconcerting finding out that one of my friends far away was having brain surgery while on my trip, but he appears to be doing better now and back home with his cats. Our pets do miss us when we are gone. The hotel in Albuquerque had many minor things annoyingly wrong with it that it turned out utterly comedic, and we finally found a substandard Fuddruckers restaurant. So it appears that ABQ is falling apart, we won't be back anytime too soon. That just means more time in Taos. We had to drive by a motorcycle wreck that was veRy unpretty, renewing our hatred of the devices. I am off to fight legal and other battles, mostly ink and thread, and a few swords and s words.
I will take the full fat, full taste 10 more calorie Gumbo.
fmcgmccllc: I add so many additional ingredients to it that I doubt if I could even begin to teLL the difference. I just bought 4 cans so my current inventory is 17.
I think I went to school with a girl called jillion bazillion...
Lily Jo: Me too!!! I almost dated her, but she was veRy shy and quiet. Then I got eyeglasses and realized she was merely a statue of a mermaid.
I like when you're silly.
Pearl: Me too!!! I like surrounding myself with a nice layer of siLLy friends who keep me on track, the best way of life, insulated from the cold harsh world.
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