This is a questionaire about Alexander The Great. Have fun!
A) Do you think Alexander the Great was "Great"?
B) If you could change the word Great for something else, what would it be?
C) What year did AtG die? (Just guess, see if you can get closer than me, I was off by ten years)
D) What country did AtG rule?
E) Which U.S. president does AtG most closely resemble?
F) If AtG were a modern day ruler would he most likely get a Nobel Prize or be investigated for war crimes/crimes against humanity?
G) If you were to become eXtremely famous and be known by a single name, plus the word 'The', and an adjective, what would you like the third word adjective to be?
H1) If you were forced to be the absolute ruler of a single entire continent, which one would you chose?
H2) Why?
I) As the absolute ruler (Question H) would your put your face on the money, or possibly choose a different body part? (You rarely see a royal nose on a nickel)
Please keep your responses rated "G", especially the 'body parts on money' question. Feel free to answer a subset of the questions if you desire.
Six Miles
1 month ago
A. He was a crazy man.
B. Alexander the not very tall.
C. too embarrassed to tell you. He was closer to Jesus than I thought...
D. Macedonia?
E. George Bush?He would be living happily with his boyfriend in an upstairs flat in London.
F. He would be living happily with his boyfriend in an upstairs flat in London.
G. Julie the Intolerable. Because everyone thinks I'm so nice (which is intolerable anyway) and it would throw people off the scent.
H. 1.New Zealand. 2.It's not far to go to work.
I. People say I have nice feet...
I know it seems as if I really wanted Alex to be living with his boyfriend in an upstairs flat in London, but it was just a copy past boo boo after putting the answer in the wrong place, although if he was living in a flat with his boyfriend he'd be safely choosing wallpaper and bathroom accessories. I hope you had a nice Christmas
Julie: yes, I thought you were very insistent about the boyfriend-flat-London, but then the more I thought about it that might make a great idea for a sitcom, kind of like the Meg Ryan movie 'Kate & Leopold', but I wasn't sure which George Bush would be the BF. Then I thought, oh, how perfect of of choice! BOTH King Georges of the USofA had their little wars of Futile Crescent Conquest, along with their British sidekick Tony The Blare. Wonderful! I loved your choice as New Zealand being a continent.
If size is the defining factor for being a continent or not then I submit New Zealand, even if it does have 2 land 'masses' and is more like continental dandruff...
A- In his own eyes. (This is going to show how very weak I am in the History department.)
B- Bald?
F-War crimes, plus I think the fashion police might have had an issue with him.
G-FitandYouthful (as an absolute ruler, I could make it one word.
H2-I've always wanted to go there, plus I love their accent and I'm fascinated by the prospect of the water going down the drain backwards.
Jewels - sorry but our water goes down the drain forwards, and I've already taken the feet...
Julie- I saw that you said feet, but didn't read your comments till after I posted mine- trying not to cheat and all. I guess I'd put my ears on the money. And, we'd be neighboring rulers, which might be nice.(or intolerable.)
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