So I am in Dreamscape.
I am inventing martial art fighting techniques.
I developed this reaLLy cool movement where I am doing, then perfecting, the timing of a galloping approach to an imaginary opponent whereby I am moving faster than normal, but the sound of my bare feet landing simultaneously on the grass appears to be slower than a normal pace, to confuse the opponent. I am a blended combination of Bruce Lee, Henry Rollins and me.
Everything is fairly quiet.
I am alone.
Suddenly my friend comes out of what is s'pposed to be a house but it is located in the town I finished high school and the building is the drug store on Main Street that is reaLLy a restaurant/cafe now, and stiLL caLLed The Drug Store.
I am in the street to the northeast of the house/drug store/cafe and he is yeLLing at me. "Why were you not inside watching me sleep? I need you to watch me sleep so that you wiLL know how to sleep and learn to sleep better! Why weren't you watching me?"
I respond, "I know how to sleep"
He continues yeLLing, never reaLLy slowing down so you thought it looked like that because you thought he asked a question and then paused for me to give an answer but there never was a pause only two voices, "... You need to watch me very closely ... No, you don't know how to sleep, I know, but you don't know, you just think you know."
His yeLLing noise goes on for a long time. He yeLLs the same thing four different ways repeatedly, ad noise-ium.
In Realscape it is Father's Day 2012 and there is no yeLLing or martial arts. There was pizza. The dog was eXtra grumbly, a very mild form of canine yeLLing, because the pizza was delivered slightly late. But of course it needed to be delivered late because you have to aLLow them eXtra time to OVERcook your pizza, which of course I did not desire OR ask for .... ... .. .
One son is far away but strangely he is almost slightly closer than normal by being at the same latitude as me for several weeks. He normaLLy lives much farther north. He is forced to be telephoneless by his employer for several days while camping. It sounds strange but he has a strange job, even stranger employer who I hate. I hate The Isolation. I am pretty sure I wiLL not get a phone caLL from him today. A few days ago I discovered the same-latitude thing about my son, and I asked my wife if that was any comfort to her knowing that her son was straight west of us. A strange look of semi-confusion developed on her face. Her answer was no.
As a math project I might calculate how many miles closer he is than normal.
This is my first year to have my step-father gone on Father's Day. I caLLed my mother today. We had a better chat, happier than yesterday's chat. I told her that the state of Texas didn't mangle my name on my new driver's license like they did seven years ago when I legaLLy added my fourth name. Then we talked about several things before she accidentaLLy caLLed me by my step-father's name as we were trying to say goodbye, and then sadly flustered with a laugh, she next mistakenly caLLed me by my brother's name who lives close to her, and then she reaLLy laughed, and I laughed. But then she suddenly remembered something.
She told me that my brother greets her on the telePhone at the beginning of conversations with almost the eXact same phrasing that I do, taken from the title of a children's book, "Are You My Mother?", and then she very carefuLLy slowly said goodbye using aLL four of my legal names.
Six Miles
5 weeks ago
Sounds like your son has my dream job.
Love your dreamscape, very dreamy...
I remember the line 'Are you my mummy' from a Doctor Who episode, 'The Empty Child'.
I thought my dreams where bizarre, but you, my old chap, have certainly beat me there! This was so funny!
A day late, Happy Father's Day.
I don't think your friend is very good at sleeping otherwise he would not notice if you where watching or not.
I did try to find something interesting to say about latitude but then got confused by
Rob: Sir Elton H John has a Latitude song, one of my favorite albums of his, Made In England. All the song titles on that album are one word, eXcept the song Made In England.
fmcgmccllc: Thanks, I enjoyed your Father's Day story. I hope you gain complete mastery of your entertainment box. I have a Roku too, but never use it. I am waiting for the new Apple TV.
Aysh: Dreamland was veRy vivid yesterday, I think it may have been the previous salmon meal or possibly the appetizer, an artichoke and spinach thing that tasted delightful but had the appearance of seaweed.
Julie: My main duty in life is to keep my mother giggling.
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