I laughed.
I told my wife, "I just thought of something funny that I can't teLL you, is that okay?"
She nodded her head yes.
It was something ironicaLLy funny (to me) that she would not have found funny, but it would have simply been more fuel for the fire of why she thinks someone I have a business contact is a dirty rotten scoundrel. So I wiLL keep that part of my his-story private.
This aLL is at the end of a long evening of unquiet. Now there is only the sound of the air conditioner humming along. The Cooper is complaining. I think he wants us to leave the kitchen area and come into the living room. I plan to make evening coffee first. The compressor for the air conditioner makes a slightly different noise as it starts up.
My wife says, "Is it fixing to rain?"
I respond, "No, that was the AC compressor coming on. It isn't so blazing hot now so that the compressor doesn't run 110 percent of the time. You just aren't used to hearing that noise."
It goes back to the main sound being the clicking noise of my iPad typing. Then I realize it is completely artificial, and I turn down the volume. So I turned down the volume - no luck, the keyboard STILL makes noise! There must be a separate control. There, I found the control that turns off the keyboard clicks at almost the same time that the AC compressor kicked back off. So now the only sound is the fan of AC unit, a distant teleBision, and my hurt shattered heart, I mean sadness, nothing cardiovascular.
Yes, I should actuaLLy make the coffee now ...
Six Miles
1 month ago
That sounds just like the start of a Philip Marlowe story Mr ESB.
Rob: Sometimes things just faLL apart, taking their natural course, governed by the laws of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and human behavior, with man's best friend Cooper leading the way, tail wagging; its the end of the day, and end of a journey.
Sammy is getting much better at communicating, different bark tones. I fell asleep in the chair the other night and Big Daddy left me to my sleep. I heard this soft woof and opened one eye to see Sammy looking at me with the "Come on it is time to go to bed look".
fmcgmccllc: Sometimes it is nice getting bossed around by smaLL furry packages, especiaLLy when they know what you need to be doing. I just realized it has been a veRy long time since I have posted a picture of Cooper on my blog, or I should reaLLy say 'our' blog.
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