There are several things that some people never learn.
Condi's lipstick doesn't matter. She has plenty of thoughts and words, listen.
Stop trying to live below sea level. There is plenty of dirt, higher dirt to live upon, move.
I don't reaLLy watch the Olympics and Presidential Conventions for almost the same reasons.
Some idiot is trying to steal a building from me, and ruin my business. She is going bye-bye today. I don't know how many times she has told people that my building is for sale, or the number of times I have said, "NO!!!! I am NOT getting out of this business, I plan to run this another twenty years (i.e. the rest of my life)." Renters. Idiot. Trouble-maker. I am veRy glad she is leaving.
Now, back to studying "Stairway To Heaven" and learning about Led Zeppelin. Thank you, Eddie, you wiLL be missed by several people. Thanks for everything you taught me about HVAC and life, and for aLL the griLLed chicken sandwiches with bacon you bought me over the last year and a half of training. I wiLL try to be a good little helper to aLL those in need of a cooler breeze.
Six Miles
1 month ago
Thank goodness this was all normal randomness. From the title I thought you were one of those talking about leaving blogging.
A Faraway View
AB: Leave bloggin'?!?!? Hah! That wiLL be the day ... the day I am either comatose or dead. No, just a few good-byes, an angry one and a sad one.
People that live in disaster prone areas amaze me. Floods and fires are so scary.
Well, remember Mitt: "I like to fire people."
Someone stealing your building Mr ESB, not good. For reasons that are rather long to explain I know how that feels, I hope it is all working out OK.
We are trying to watch some of the Paralympics here because we have an odd numbers of legs in our household, so it is of interest...
We don't do Presidential Conventions though, unless Eddie(?) decides to stand for president....
Great post. No matter what your politics, I thought Condi gave a fine speech.
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