My wife is watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics.
She says, "Well, I expect Elton John to perform and that other guy from over there."
I think about the (im)p0ssibilities 0f that statement f0r 600 millisec0nds.
I crack up laughing.
Comment from Marianne: "C'mon. You KNEW who she meant, right?"
Me: ActuaLLy, no, my first guess was Rod Stewart, but she eventuaLLy revealed Paul McCartney
Six Miles
1 month ago
C'mon. You KNEW who she meant, right?
Paul McCartney did the opening event so it was unlikely he would turn up again. The general view in the UK was that Paul was not at his best, time to retire is what the masses said after the big opening...
It was interesting that John Lennon is dead, Two of the Bee Gee's are dead and Freddie Mercury is dead and yet they sort of turned up at the closing ceremony.... I think it was done slightly on the cheap because they could have pulled some really big names to do it if the powers that be were so inclined.
Marianne: I moved your comment into the body of the blog post.
Rob: yes, I had to eXplain the dead musicians to my wife.
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