My life is now complete.
I received an update info e-mail today from Pandora Internet Radio to let me know they have stand-up comedians. Oh, sorry, I should have ended that sentence with an eXclamation mark.
I received an update info e-mail today from Pandora Internet Radio to let me know they have stand-up comedians!
Well, I am going to go back to giggling now ... I deserve it after my previous Thursday. Thursday was so terrible after receiving two phone caLLs from very close friends who live far away. They each had a terrible thing happen to them that I can not talk about. I even wrote a blog post about my day, but I was too devastated to publish it. Then the neXt day I found out that my very best friend had a double disaster. At least she is close enough that I can give her a hug. So I am slowly coming out of Double Trouble Disaster Days.
On Friday I told my wife that I was going to the bar to drown my sorrows. She then had a strange eXpression on her face because I don't typicaLLy do that sort of thing with alcohol. I told her that I am going to drown my sorrows in a griLLed chicken sandwich and Dr Pepper. My diner seLLs far more alcohol than griLLed chicken sandwiches.
Later that day while groc shopping together I got a loaf of rye bread and a fresh container of grape jeLLy. We rarely buy bread any more, much less rye. I told her I planned to drown my sorrows in toast with jeLLy. This was after the griLLed chicken sandwich confusion, so I didn't have to eXplain myself.
My loaf of rye is now two days later over half way finished, but I have plenty of jeLLy.
Six Miles
1 month ago
I'm confused. Is it L day?
What a great way to drown your sorrows Esbboston. A full belly's much more life affirming than a hangover.
I am so glad that you still have plenty of jelly. I'm terribly sorry that there has been so much trouble. Probably some good stand-up can help you forget the troubles at least for a while. If not, there's always more jelly.
Marianne: What do you mean by "L day"?
Julie: toast is/was yummy, a rare treat.
TangledLou: The stand up is quite good, based upon my responses.
Hahahaha - Marianne thinks it's L day in the A-Z challenge! (because you have L's in your post!
Julie & Marianne: Oh! ... No, I don't do the A-Z, Omega to Alpha type things on my blog. I just write in a siLLy manner.
When there is a double L in a word, I uppercase them: siLLy, reaLLy
When there is an X in the second position in a word that begins with "ex", then the x is uppercased: eXceLLent, eXplanation
Sometimes I wiLL go back through a post and change aLL the other double letters to italics: letter lesson
Hehehe - You reaLLy confused Marianne. Maybe your next post ought to be about maMMoths...
Julie: I had recently been teLLing my wife about woLLy maMMoths and eFForts to bring them back into eXistence, and I could write about that episode. It involved the eXpensive prices I have to pay for buffalo steaks. There was an episode of the teleBision show Northern Exposure where the character Walt would butcher the woLLy maMMoths he found at the end of glaciers.
maMMoth moths - when flying downward
maWWoth moths - when flying upward
Julie: I just realized that if a child saw a large moth, he/she could teLL their mother,
"MaMMoth moth, Ma!"
Hahahaha (pause) hahahahehehahahoho
I hate jelly and I especially hate grape jelly. Something to do with day camp and heat and being about 7 and an embarrassing incident with the peanut butter and jelly making a re-aPPearance. It was not fun.
Ooooh...this post - and its comments - is kind of making me dizzy. I spent the whole post trying to figure out the significance of X and LL. Ha!
I'm really sorry to hear that you've had a sad few days. I hope that things get brighter soon.
Stephanie: In the end, there reaLLy is no significance, just a bunch of rules I foLLow. I have been writing that way for quite awhile.
fmcgmccllc: Sorry that peanut butter ruined jeLLy for you. Peanut Butter and JeLLy combined does not appeal to me at aLL.
I am getting better. I spent way too much time on a roof and climbing ladders today, so my body is hurting horribly. I haven't done shingle roofing in probably about a decade. I used to do that day after day in my 20's during summers during college.
'Northern Exposure'!!! My all time favourite TV series, I LOVED it and I cried the last one with the song 'Our Town'
Esbboston - the final scenes from the last Northern Exposure
Julie: yes, the final scenes and song of Northern Exposure are wonderful. I have played the song Our Town a bazillion time, I currently have it from iTunes, as weLL as the CD.
Sorry to hear you were feeling down after your friends had rough times :(
At least you drowned your sorrows in something tastey :)
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