Yea! I managed to get a blog post published every day for November completing the NaBloPoMo goal. Actually I did an eXtra nine. So here is my last post of the month, which I wrote earlier in the day, but got delayed publishing it until just a couple minutes before midnight, AND I came very close to getting stuck at a railroad crossing with an eXtremely long train on a long trip home from Dallas. So, from on the road, a poem piece:
Oh, I have been to Jason's deli
And put some soup deep down in my empty belly,
Just what flavors did then I fill I?
Onion and cheese on Southwestern Chicken Chili !!!
Absent For A Bit ....
Notice: Blogger has screwed up and lost a bunch of photos out of my blog! They are replaced with a gray silhouette of a human head. I will eventually get them replaced with the correct photo, it may take a while to find and fix everything. So some of my stories don't make much sense without their photos, sorry for the inconvenience.
I Fill I
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: Jason's deli, Poem, poetry
I Am Not Allergic To Animated Bees
I survived the "Bee Movie"
I did notice that some of the bee voices sounded like familiar famous human actors. I wonder how long it took the bees to learn their parts plus imitate the human voices, especially the one that sounded almost like Jerry Seinfeld. That bee sounded really close to Jerry most of the time, but there were a few times, though, you could detect it was a real bee.
Wikipedia Article Link to Bee Movie
I think the main thing wrong with the bee's imitation of Jerry Seinfeld is that he (or she?) made the voice just a little too whiny.
Favorite Scene: The sword fight, the bee stinger versus the bulletin board pin, insect vs human, human loses, the Zorro-esque moment. The "cousin" humor was a neat twist as well.
My Wife's Favorite: either the IV drip from a honey container in the hospital setting for the injured bee, or the prosthetic bee stinger made from a plastic olive spear. (I actually have no idea what its called, it looks like a tiny sword from a cocktail, so, "tail!", hah, how ingenius for a prop.)
Google Check: Yes, they are called cocktail swords, I was just guessing. Remember that, it might come in handy in Jeopardy someday.
The plot was enjoyably very complicated.
Most people probably don't know this, but the voice that sounded like the human Patrick Warburton was really the voice of a wasp. Several bees tried out for that part, but they just couldn't find one with a deep enough voice, even the older bees that had smoke damaged larnyx from living in artificial human hives. When things got desparate there was even talk of bringing in the actual human Patrick Warburton to do himself, but there were just too many union rules, and yadda yadda yadda, so they found just the right wasp. A Yellowjacket wasp, of course; it is a bee movie.
Wikipedia Article for Yellowjacket Wasp
I think I may continue working on imitating the voice of Patrick Warburton, mainly to annoy my wife. When I hear Patrick he reminds me of a younger John Wayne with a head cold and a staccato stutter. I squint my eyes just a little bit, it seems to help get me into character. But I couldn't imagine John Wayne selling foreign cars on teleBision ads.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Labels: Bee Movie, Jerry Seinfeld, John Wayne, Patrick Warburton
I Need H.E.L.P.
My Invention for Today: H.E.L.P. - Helium Emergency Lift Pack - a backpack that motorcyclists can wear that detects collisions/accidents and then automagically inflates a large balloon to safely carry them away.
Applicable to other (outdoor) occupations and hobbyists as well.
[Mountain Climbing]
[Grizzly Bear Census Taker]
[Skyscraper Window Washer]
[Volcano Lava Field Inspector]
My lawyer buddy told me that she would like one just to escape her job.
My Response: For $742.42 you too can have a new blue blew away today!!!
(also available in balloon maroon, rapid red, and go go green)
Version 2.0 software will be able to detect grumpy spouses and screaming children.
But again, you must be outdoors to avoid massive suffocation hazardous e-Vents.
DO NOT ACCEPT cheap imitations! The competitor's jet backpacks are death traps!!!
Available only by air freight delivery.
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The place where I am at today has a large computer monitor built into a stone wall with a screen saver that has a video of flames in a fireplace, and it gives off heat just like a real fireplace complete with digital audio. They must have installed an odor dispenser, it smells like a real fireplace, too.
I told this to the two young ladies at the receptionist desk and they were surprised. They must have thought it was a real fireplace. They just giggled.
Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: Balloon Invention
All Five Vowels
Today's Spanish Lesson: farmaceutico - pharmacist - I found a Spanish word with all five vowels.
I discovered this while getting help from a pharmacist today. A bilingual sign was posted on my side of the counter with the a-e-i-o-u word in it. When I told the pharmacist that I had found a Spanish word with all five vowels, she asked me what it was, and I responded, "you". She was instantly puzzled and then I eXplained the sign. She came around to my side of the counter to read the sign, and she said, "Well, if I'm ever on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' I will have something interesting to say about myself"
[This story should point out very clearly how easily I am amused. Five vowels in one word, it doesn't get much cheaper than that.]
Posted by
12:26 AM
Labels: aeiou, farmaceutico
An Almost a Quarter of a Horse, Majestic with Sad Eyes
Posted by
1:04 AM
Labels: Great Dane
The Battle of the Bulge of My Router
Update 2011.12.02 - I got my new battery, so hopefully it works much better. The tiny battery arrived in a huge box filled with inflated cushion. EXCEPT the battery was not secured to the cushion, it was just free inside the box, right up against the outside wall of the box when I opened it. No bulge, it fits nicely in the router.
Posted by
11:51 PM
Labels: Diesel Pricing, Fuel Prices, Grilled Chicken Sandwich
T-Day, Tough Day
Somehow I missed all the desserts with all my mechanic work today. Currently suffering from absence of dessert hurt. I guess I will get my wifey to walk me through making one tomorrow.
I did have a little photo fun. My son got a Sony camera that uses the same detachable lens as mine, so we can share! Sharing is good. I have a nice telephoto wide angle lens, but he was too afraid to take it with him in his ski back pack. His camera has the panoramic mode anyway, so that is kinda like shooting wide angle. He said he just wants a wide angle to do the mountain photos. I did have fun with his new camera, shooting Cooper in a few funny close ups and the kitchen crew in action with my wide angle lens. Ah, sharing. My children are slowly evolving into their father, this one is a little farther into his Sony camera addiction. I have had four Sony digital still cameras with three of them functioning. I think the fourth one was accidentally smashed by this particular child. Sonys are workhorses. My wife's point and shoot is the only one that messed up physically. The function selector dial on the back would not stay stable after setting the shooting mode. You would be ready to take a shot and suddenly it would switch to video mode. But overall the Sonys have been great.
Posted by
11:56 PM
Labels: Evacuation Day, Rotella T6, Sonys, Vacuums
Interruption Day? No, It Was Mother's Day!
Some very thin chicken deli meat - about enough for one normal sandwich
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: Cooking scrambled eggs, mother's day in november, Rotella T6
A Second November 22nd to Remember
Posted by
8:22 PM
Labels: November 22nd
Salt and Pepper, Tar and Feather
Posted by
7:17 AM
Labels: Pepper Spray
Dear Blogger
Posted by
7:16 AM
Labels: Blogger Problems
Goat Versus Pug
Posted by
10:15 PM
Labels: Dogs and clotheslines
NaBloPoMo: Crushed?
Posted by
12:14 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
I Am An Other
I just now found out that my blog, My Worlds My Words My Worries, has been nominated for something called an "Other" blog award. It is over at "A Peek At Karen's World"
I believe there is voting for a week long period.
I am not sure what an Other is. I know what an Otter is. I know what a Mother is. I even know what a Mother Otter is. But I don't know what an Other is.
Update 2011.12.04 - Not! I just happened to remember this award nomination and I went to check on my standing. I did not make it to the final round of voting, ah. I guess I will go drown my sorrows in ... Hah! Not really, I will get a Butterfinger candy bar and a cold glass of milk, mmmm, a very nice treat, win or lose.
Posted by
3:31 AM
Labels: Other Award
Depressed?!?!? No, Honey, I'm Just Busy Inventing the iDeer
What? No, I'm just eXtremely busy reading, researching and writing blog material for NaBloPoMo. She noticed that I haven't left the house as much in the month of November and that I am sleeping and not sleeping at wild times. But I am having an absolute blast, sometimes, regular blast the other. I have never forced myself to blog, especially at a certain rate of at-least-once daily publication. I have always prefered a natural flow that has averaged about 8 pieces per month for the last four plus years.
So I told her, honey you don't read my blog. I don't think you can write this kind of strange silly material and be depressed. I am writing about deer wishing they could be flying reindeer and other things like duck hunting in Paris France. Flying reindeer with turn signals, EEG devices, solar panels, mid air collision avoidance systems and satellite communication. So I basically invented the cyborg deer, the iDeer. Somebody needed to take Steve's place, especially in the wild kingdom Dr Doolittle manner and it may as well be me, as long as I don't have to become a Buddhist or be grouchy to people on a daily basis. The next big thing could be learning how to read the brain waves of animals.
(Seriously though, I'm sure I'll keep right on writing silly stuff, fixing air conditioners, doing housework and keeping Cooper happy. One animal at a time is enough for me.)
Another plus is turning on blog comments and chatting with people. I had them turned off due to spam reasons. But finding a bunch of blog people that I like to read has been a neat refreshing process now that Facebook has totally messed up their system.
After everything I have been through in the last five years I think I have a good handle on depression. If you can name/identify everything that makes you momentarily sad, that's not depression, no need for pills, its just life. But if you're sad, especially if you cry for absolutely no eXplainable reason, get help. But there are plenty of nut jobs posing as degreed greedy psychiatrists and medical professionals, so you have to be careful. My case was interestingly simple: lack of vitamin B-12. So make sure you have that checked, and the OTC pills are cheap. I just happened to see one of the evil physicians of my past employment situation at the groc store last night. Its a good thing I have a stated goal of trying to be the nicest person in the universe.
I met with a psychiatrist (the first one) as part of an employer required session. One of the questions he asked me was if I had ever had depression before. I told him that ten years before at age forty I had a bad summer, but that I had worked through it by studying something completely different in the science realm. I had studied astronomy all summer, and it seemed to snap me out of my depression. Being foreign born, he asked for clarification with a puzzled reply question, "Astrology?!?" to which I replied, "NO NO NO!!!, astroNOMy, the scientific study of outer space."
And did the psychiatrist, and later that summer a psychologist, help me? All they wanted to do was talk. I quietly predicted ahead of time that after six sessions the psychologist would announce I was ready to go back to work. Why six? Because I knew the insurance company was only PAYING for six sessions, they had told me that ahead of time. Plus the psychologist was retiring soon. After several months I finally got anti-depressant medicine from my own personal physician.
In the mean time my employer kept trying to get rid of me through the means of saying I was disabled! I was forced to consume all my current vacation time before I could even apply for disability, WHICH I knew was totally wrong. I knew I wasn't disabled. When I was finally able to get that process started, I was asked what my typical day's activities were. After telling them all the tasks I could and did perform, shopping, housework, etc, her reply was, "Mr. Boston, you don't sound very disabled to me." to which I emphatically joyously replied, "I know!!! I just want my job back, I finally got some anti-depressant medicine just about a month ago and I'm doing fine, after being forced off work for the last 10 months on sick leave."
Several months later after getting my job back for a little while my lawyer finally got the report that the first psychiatrist had given my company, and the confused doctor had wrote, "Mr. Boston dealt with his earlier depression of 10 years ago with astrology". Idiot psychiatrist!!! I was very glad that I had changed psychiatrists, even if it meant dealing with a Pakistani instead of a Vietnamese, both of them had communication problems, but there didn't seem to be anyone else available that my insurance would pay. In the long run the best help came by getting fired, dropping the quack doctors and leaving the insane asylum (job) called corpoRATe America Fortune Five Hundred petroleum industry, and spending a lot of time with an amazing dog and a sick spouse who needed my help.
Link to DARDs
Posted by
7:06 AM
Labels: Bad Job, Evil Doctors, Good Dog, Sick Spouse
I have a sneaking suspicion that the real Jesus would never have begged Oprah to be on her show OR used an assault rifle on the White House. Adds a whole new twist for a bracelet: WWJND
Posted by
5:59 PM
Labels: WWJD
What I've Randomly Learned Today
Posted by
10:45 PM
Where Is Paris Duck?
Paris Ducks: my friend Badger wanted to know where the ducks were at in Paris, so I found a few by Googling.
From ask Google: Where are there ducks in Paris?
A) Hostel: The 3 Ducks Hostel
3 Ducks Hostel
Paris (15è - Montparnasse/Eiffel Tower Area)
This hostel has some very bad reviews! But I don't know how it compares to its competition. I'm just duck hunting!
B) A Piece of Logic from website
Anonymous asked:
are there ducks in paris or are they all pelicans?
Fact: Pelicans eat ducks.
Fact: French eat ducks.
Fact: French are pelicans.
C) Duck Tour d'Argent
Probably the most spectacular classical French recipe, le canard à la presse, here made at La Tour d'Argent, a Paris restaurant open since the 16h century.
Warning: -GROTESQUE- food photos
La Tour d'Argent
+33 (0) 1 43 54 23 31
15-17 Quai de Tournelle
75005 Paris
Oops, I think I failed, though, because I think he wanted to photograph the ducks.
I realize the blog post title sounds goofy, BUT its s'pposed to, because I wanted a little rhyming action going on in it.
Posted by
10:40 PM
Labels: Where are there ducks in Paris?
My friend was making a holiday wish list. Its focus was on peace and love and medical cures for everyone. So I added an item.
And I want every deer out there that wants to be a reindeer to get their wish. Be a flying reindeer!
That way I'm less likely to hit them with my monsta' truck.
Of course when we eventually get flying cars (and pick ups?) I will want the deer->reindeer (DARDs) to be properly trained, licensed and insured.
There will need to be designated DARD lanes as well.
I forgot to tell you that the A in DARD stands for Arrow.
Now I'm wondering if DARDs should be required to have brake lights and turn signals. There is also another device called Midair Collision Avoidance System (MCAS) that helps avoid mid-air collisions for airplanes. If we could get every deer, normal or DARD, to wear one, then we could have an early warning system when they get too close to our vehicles. This system would probably be abused by lazy hunters of deer and DARDs, though.
To avoid having to change the batteries all the time in the systems we could install a small solar panel on the top side of the deer and DARDs.
Another modification of the monitoring device that could be put into place is a birth detector. When the mother deer or momDARD gives birth, an EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) or brain wave monitor, could detect a unique series of electrical impulses in the central nervous system that occur during the birth process. This event could then be sent by satellite uplink or radio to alert the game warden that a young deer or DARD needs to have an MCAS installed.
Posted by
6:28 AM
Wrong Way Fray
Posted by
2:46 PM
Labels: HVAC Stories
Cold Elephants Play
(I hope you figured out by now that the /MY at the beginning of my blog post was supposed to be an elephant. I used a "sup" html tag to elevate the / and Y a little bit)
Music Video
Coldplay initially announced that the single's music video would be directed by Hype Williams (who previously directed the first version of the "Viva la Vida" music video) but that version was scrapped after shooting and the band decided instead to record a new version directed by long-time collaborator Mat Whitecross. The video was released on 19 October 2011. In the video, a man dressed as an elephant (played by Chris Martin) escapes from a zoo in London and attempts to hitch-hike his way to another country (doing so finally by stowing away inside a suitcase). An aerial shot reveals that his initial destination was Cape Town, South Africa. He is then seen wandering around Johannesburg, at one point, walking past Nelson Mandela Bridge and a set of railway tracks in Braamfontein. He then earns enough money by busking (which appears to be ZAR 67.05, roughly equivalent to USD 8.40) on the street for a unicycle, and after a seemingly hopeless wander comes across three other elephants (the rest of Coldplay) playing the song in the veld (South African grasslands). The video shifts to the band playing a live show at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg before returning to the desert where they run towards the camera. The music video was shot on location in London, Cape Town, the Klein Karoo in the Western Cape and Johannesburg.
Official Coldplay Website
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: Coldplay Paradise
Rover's RPMs
I just learned something. Just like humans have REM states of Rapid Eye Movements when sleeping, I noticed that my dog Cooper has RPM, or Rapid Paw Movements. The first ones I noticed occur on the same side of his body while laying on his side. Both right side paws shake very small amounts, and the motions are usually synchronized, but in a mirrored oscillation. (i.e. front paw goes forward as the rear paw goes back and vice versa)
Posted by
2:20 AM
Labels: REM
Mixed Smoke Signals
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: Quit Smoking
2011.11.11 11:11:02
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Why Is Bigger
Poster Message:
A wise old man was once asked:
"In a relationship, which is more important, to love or to be loved?"
He replied, "Which is more important to a bird, the Left Wing or the Right?"
My Response: For birds that get hunted, there are more NRA supporters on the Right Wing, so the answer is the Left Wing.
- - - - -
My cousin mispelled the word 'know' as 'klnow' in a comment about karma.
My Response: So, are the k and the l both silent in "klnow"? If they are then that one tiny five letter word would have three silent letters, or 60%, so I am hoping the answer is klyes and not klno. As a bonus, I checked Google Translate to see if klnow is a word, but it couldn't find a language match, not even in Polish. I thought that 'klnow' might have the record at 60% but then I thought of the word 'why' at 66.667%, slightly larger.
- - - - -
Yes, I know that 'mispelled' is misspelled in the previous section. I'm just having fun with your brain. It's early in the morning so I did check online to be sure.
- - - - -
Yes, 9 AM is early for me. Most days I hope to get out of bed before noon. Emphasis on hope. But that isn't really true, as I no longer believe in, or actively use the concept of hope. I have just had it (virtually) severely beaten out of me over the last five years by dealing with lawyers.
- - - - -
Not all lawyers are bad. One of my very closest friends is a lawyer. But then again I never use her as a lawyer. The only bad advice she ever gave me was to try Johnny Walker Black Label. I plan to stick to Benedictine as my favorite.
- - - - -
My friend shared a picture of a tiny cute black and white animal in the palm of someone's hand, with these rhyming words, "not a dog, not a cat... but too dang cute not to share - It's a baby polar bear!"
My Response: I bet if you raised it from a cub it would be a very long time before it ate you.
Of course a very similar thing happens with your children, when you raise them from a 'cub' its usually quite a while before they hate you.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Labels: Helping
NaBloPoMo #8
Posted by
9:33 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
NaBloPoMo #7
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Something Uncool When We Needed It
Posted by
10:08 PM
Labels: Inventions
New Blog for My Abstract Art ... Come Visit
These are pieces that I have generated mainly using computer art tools. Enjoy !
Something New:
I am also in the process of linking my poetry blog entries together. This project is only partially finished. A "Poetry LINK" at the bottom of the blog entry points to the next older piece of poetry.
First poem in the series of linked poems ....
Turn Gold Out of the Darkness
Blog Archive
- I Fill I
- I Am Not Allergic To Animated Bees
- I Need H.E.L.P.
- All Five Vowels
- An Almost a Quarter of a Horse, Majestic with Sad ...
- The Battle of the Bulge of My Router
- T-Day, Tough Day
- Interruption Day? No, It Was Mother's Day!
- A Second November 22nd to Remember
- Salt and Pepper, Tar and Feather
- Dear Blogger
- Goat Versus Pug
- NaBloPoMo: Crushed?
- I Am An Other
- Depressed?!?!? No, Honey, I'm Just Busy Inventing ...
- What I've Randomly Learned Today
- Where Is Paris Duck?
- Wrong Way Fray
- Cold Elephants Play
- Rover's RPMs
- Mixed Smoke Signals
- 2011.11.11 11:11:02
- Why Is Bigger
- NaBloPoMo #8
- NaBloPoMo #7
- Something Uncool When We Needed It
- NaBloPoMo #6
- Why I Hate Today
- The Economic Stimu-lust Is Working!
- NaBloPoMo #5 Point Nothing
- NaBloPoMo #4
- NaBloPoMo #3
- NaBloPoMo #2
- NaBloPoMo #1
- Amish T-Hair-errorists
- H. B. S. D.
- Smart Potatoes for Dumb People
My Art
Couch Glow

Gold As Smoke
Flowing Wood
