Today's Spanish Lesson: farmaceutico - pharmacist - I found a Spanish word with all five vowels.
I discovered this while getting help from a pharmacist today. A bilingual sign was posted on my side of the counter with the a-e-i-o-u word in it. When I told the pharmacist that I had found a Spanish word with all five vowels, she asked me what it was, and I responded, "you". She was instantly puzzled and then I eXplained the sign. She came around to my side of the counter to read the sign, and she said, "Well, if I'm ever on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' I will have something interesting to say about myself"
[This story should point out very clearly how easily I am amused. Five vowels in one word, it doesn't get much cheaper than that.]
Six Miles
1 month ago
Thank you, learned a new word to add to my Spanish. After English it is my best language, I now know 21 words, including how to count to 10. I also can speak in Canadian, British, Chinese, German and Italian. Italian is my worst I think unless you include Portegeuse (I think I spelled that wrong). Yep, it is Portuguese, anyway once I had to call GM Du Brazil and inquire about a document they sent, I could not read it as it was in a non English language. The lady asked me if it was in Portuguese and I had to tell her I did not have a clue, but it said dermito, she said to throw it away, so if you include that word I can speak in 8 languages.
Over the last thirty years I have put so much effort into learning languages and yet I'm not fluent in anything eXcept maybe English. But I learned about the right brain-left brain dichotomy a long time ago and realized that learning Chinese written language might help brain functionality overall, and wound up doing Japanese kanji. At the same time I learned some Portuguese for a couple trips to Brazil, and then slowly added other Romance languages and then German. A few years later I started learning Russian and got fairly good at sounding out proper nouns, and a few phrases. When I hear Russian in movies and teleBision I can pick out a few words and greetings. I never wanted to learn Arabic because at first glance it looked vastly complicated and scribbly, and by this time had already learned so many writing systems that I was unwilling to devote any effort to a new one, especially writing right to left. But then one day I discovered an Arabic for Dummies book, and curiously wondered how that could ever be possible. So I discovered Arabic without Scribbles, my term. But then I finally got curious about the scribbles of written Arabic and saw the absolute beauty of their system and became amazed. So I spent a great deal of time in that language and Middle Eastern culture especially while my son was there for a year. But I never have complete immersion experiences for long enough periods of time where I am forced to speak, so it continues to be a secondary play fun time activity, but not so much in the last year, which just has been devoted to so many other things with business and learning things legal. The study of law has been going on with equal haphazardness for at least twenty years and several areas of technology, so really everything since getting out of the silly confines of high school and leaving home, well, it has been an intellectual smorgasbord. So now I am mainly a humorist writer and the slave to one dog and one woman. She will tell you that she is a slave to the dog as well, we know who the master is of our house, Sir Cooper. (hah, I've never called him that before).
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