I unplugged the audio feed cable from my PC to my teleBision, so that I could play the music from my iPad to the teleBision, to fill the entire house with music.
When I performed this action, the PC video was still there and announced visuaLLy that I had unplugged the audio cable. I thought: that's smart.
But a couple hours later when I reconnected the SAME cable back into the SAME jack, it flashed up a screen wanting to know what I had plugged into. I had to answer questions. Umm, that's not smart.
Sometime soon I plan to get an Apple TV device, then I will be able to send my content from my iPad to the HD teleBision wirelessly.
Six Miles
1 month ago
One thing I love about this old house the first owner wired most of the space for musical speakers. I turn it on and I can hear it from the basement to most spaces. Love, love music.
My classic early eighties wondrous Hi-Fi is still all in parts from the move back in November, I must get it all back together so I can shake the windows and spin the mind
fmcgmccllc: I am at a break point (study/nap) after mowing & banking. Then its a small (hopeuLLy) plumbing repair downtown, as the wifey had to go out of town for the day, things medical for her father, as well as visit her sister. I have been playing a game called Lumosity which I am in the middleof writing a blog post about. I am enjoying my Japanese studies, I finaLLy have a tool that works well for learning hiragana (phonetic) Japanese and doing phrases. Also busy with shoe business. Ah, Spring! Cooper is happy to have a nice green soft surface to play on!
Rob: I still have several records, but no player.
You lost me techinically at "unplugged the audio feed cable from my PC..."!
Shelly: Your comment made me laugh very much, I think it was the second best laugh all day. I think the best laugh I had was when Pearl had the thing about her "being able to pass for Canadian"
Sounds sneaky.
p.s. "Anonymous" on my blog also writes as "Michele" and used to send me bizarre e-mails from "Dustywho". British Columbia citizen with a mental illness, I think. I delete him as fast as he comes up...
Pearl: I noticed that there were some fairly bad words in some of your comments by The Anonymous, and I thought the 'Michele' ones looked more like anonymous. Its a sad thing that people do that sort of crazy behavior to a blog, especiaLLy to someone as nice as you. Speaking of crazy behavior, the Jet Blue flight that had to make the emergency landing due to the pilot going bonkers landed nearby in Amarillo, so I figured the mid-air bizarreness happened somewhere close to over my head.
Apple tv is the answer! You won't regret it
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