So if you want to be involved with another Presidential controversy (and I really don't, I'm just pointing out the simple math here), then if you calculate the difference between the parents of Obama wedding date of February 2, 1961 and Barak's birthdate of August 4, 1961, do the math and that is only 6 months, so most likely he was conceived out of wedlock.
So would people who argue about this be called "pre-birthers"?
Reference for dates was the Wikipedia article for Barak H. Obama
Disclaimer: I don't support the "Birther" arguments or imply that even if Barak was conceived out of wedlock that he is unqualified to be President on that account. I'm just creating a new label for a conspiracy group, just being my lil ole inventive self. Actually none of us knows for sure where or when we were actually or accurately born, as our memories don't typically go back that far. We depend on others to let us know.
So there is always the slim chance that someone else has lied about your true citizenship without you knowing about it. I'm pretty sure if you've always thought of yourself as a U.S. Citizen from birth, even if you really aren't, you have the proper frame of mental citizenship that the founding fathers were looking for in order to be qualified to lead your fellow like-minded citizens.
This is a restaurant that I hope I never find. But at least for the sake of this post you made lemonade out of mustard and salt.
Tossing It Out
Wait a minute! Did I comment on the wrong post? Move that last comment up the Mint Flavored Steak Knives post.
Tossing It Out
I'm sorry Lee, I couldn't figure out how to move your comment from one blog post to a different one and keep your tag, so if you would like to re-post your comment to the correct spot I will be glad to erase these later, thanks for the comment. My wife has even had fun telling people about our experiences on that trip. My best friend told me that they had even expanded their BBQ place to another city!
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